60. The Inevitable End.

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They drove without a clear direction for the remainder of the day, finally stopping hours after the sun had set at a dingy motel. One of the lights was burnt out and the water that came out of the tap was nothing more than an irony trickle, but it was a place to spend the night and that was all that mattered. They left before the sun rose the following morning.

The drive was quiet, both too preoccupied with the horrible delusions that had driven them from their home to think of much to say. It was only when the faint shrill sound of sirens could be heard that Y/N tentatively broke the silence."I-I think I hear sirens Eamon,"she whispered, her knees tucked up against her chest. "what are we gonna do?" She asked, looking tentatively over at the driver's seat.

"Don't worry Y/N, it's probably just your imagination," He tried to soothe her, glancing over briefly before returning his eyes to the road. "I don't hear anything."

"Do-do you even know where we're going?" She asked him in a small voice.

"Away!" He replied at once, before clearing his throat and continuing in a much calmer tone. "Hem, I mean away from the city, into the country, but I don't have a set destination yet no."

It became quiet again after that. Y/N looked out the window, watching the dreary landscape flash by. The sky was a dull slate graey, and from it, white flakes of snow were beginning to fall. Y/N shivered with only her thin sweater and pleated skirt to keep her warm. "It's cold..." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize the heater in the car was broken," Eamon apologized, fiddling with the button for the heater even though they both knew it wouldn't work. "We can buy you a proper coat the next time we stop for gas, alright?"

It took an hour to finally reach another town. There Eamon filled up the car at the rundown gas station before buying Y/N a coat from the only clothing store in town. After quickly paying with his card they were back on the road.

They hadn't even been driving for twenty minutes when the sound of sirens could be heard, too loud to be ignored this time. "Eamon," Y/N said, looking behind them to see red and blue lights reflecting off the freshly fallen snow in the distance. "I-I really think I hear sirens now."

"Shit..." He muttered under his breath, looking in the rearview mirror to see that the two police cruisers were already closing the gap between them. "I think you're right doll."

"W-what are we gonna do?" She asked, fear clear on her face as she looked at him with large E/C eyes.

"Well, we sure as hell aren't gonna stop," He tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he sped up despite the snowy condition of the country road. "don't worry, I won't let anyone take you away from me, ok?" He reassured her, reaching out to caress her thigh.

"Ok..." She whispered, looking behind again to see that the cops were even closer than before.

Damn them! Damn them! Eamon thought, gritting his teeth and speeding up further. Why is everyone trying to take Y/N from me! She's all I have left! There was a sudden turn that caused them to skid in the fresh powder and nearly send them into the ditch, but he managed to get control of the car before it was too late.

"E-Eamon, you're going really fast-" Y/N squeaked, clutching onto his arm trying to get him to slow down.

"I don't have a choice!" He responded, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel and his brows furrowing in stress as he sped up further, the cruisers still within sight behind them. "We have to lose them!"

"Eamon, I'm scared-" Y/N's voice quivered in fear.

He looked over to comfort her, but in his moment's destruction the car went speeding around another corner and before he could slow down they hurtled through the guard rail and tumbled down into a snowy gully. The sickening crunch and squeal of metal filled the air as the vehicle smashed into trees and boulders before eventually skidding to a stop in the snow and mud at the base of the gully.

Eamon was stunned and disoriented by the crash, the airbag filling his line of sight. The air had been knocked from his lungs, but after recovering his breath he was able to move all of his limbs. Lifting his head he saw that the car doors had been torn off the crumpled frame during the fall and that the windshield was smashed into thousands of crystalline pieces.

Turning his aching neck to look at the passenger seat, his whole body went numb. Y/N was slumped into the airbag at an awkward angle, her H/C hair obscuring her face and a trickle of crimson blood flowing down the airbag. "Y/N!!! Y/N YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP!!!" He called, reaching out to shake her.

She remained slumped and unresponsive in the passenger seat next to him, the trickle continuing to drip onto the floor. She was as limp and lifeless as a ragdoll.

Eamon's whole body ached and he was finally beginning to feel the bitter cold of the air, but all his physical discomfort was overshadowed by his panic over her state. "Y/N!!! I NEED YOU!!!"

He screamed and screamed, but she remained motionless within the mangled frame of the car. The snow hung serenely in the air, contrasting the roiling depths of despair that he felt. He reached out to touch her, but before he could he was distracted by the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow.

"Hands where I can see 'em," A deep voice said and Eamon complied, raising his hands and turning to face the officer who stood a few paces from the car with his handgun at the ready. "You're guilty of speeding, refusing to comply with an officer, and are a suspect in a double homicide. Step out of the car slowly, and keep your hands up."

The reality of the situation only just beginning to set in, Eamon ignored the officer's orders and began shaking Y/N frantically again. "Y/N!!!" He called her name desperately. "Y/N please, wake up! Wake up!"

The officer noticed Y/N's slumped body in the car and spoke urgently into his radio. "I'm gonna need some backup, and call an ambulance. There was a passenger, she's not responding."

"Sir, get out of the car." He commanded, In a firmer tone.

"Doll! Angel! Please don't leave me!" Eamon cried, oblivious to the command as he cradled Y/N's lolling head in his large hands. "NO! NO, YOU CAN'T! DON'T TAKE HER FROM ME! I CAN SAVE HER!" He screamed as the officer, along with the aid of his partner who had arrived at the base of the gully, hauled him from the car and struggled to put handcuffs on him.

"I'VE GOT HIM!!!" The first officer cried as he finally pinned the thrashing Eamon beneath him in the snow. "HELP ME KEEP HIM DOWN!!!"

Once he was securely pinned, the officer asked the other pair checking the passenger in the car, "How is she?"

"Unresponsive," he replied, shaking his head sadly. "It doesn't look good. I can't feel a pulse."

"Y/N!!!" Eamon wailed, his throat raw from all his screaming. "JUST KILL ME! KILL ME PLEASE! SHE'D DEAD, I DESERVE TO DIE - I WANT IT PLEASE-" he thrashed around madly, doing whatever he could to try and reach her.

"This fucker's lost it, keep a close eye on him!" The first officer growled as he wrestled to keep him down. "When will the EMTs get here?"

"PLEASE JUST PUT A BULLET BETWEEN MY EYES!!!" Eamon begged, tears pouring from his eyes as he realized that his one reason for living was gone. "END THIS MADNESS PLEASE!!!"

The End.


Well, that was pretty tragic, but that should probably be expected by now. Don't worry, there is still an epilogue on the way... But I can't promise that it will make the ending any better.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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