56. My Only Reason.

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Eamon sat bolt upright in bed, gasping for air. He shivered, a cold sweat coating his body as he looked around his surroundings in a daze. He was back in the master bedroom of his house, the curtains were all tightly closed and the floor was littered with clothes and dirty dishes.

He shuddered, he could still remember the feeling of his blood leaving his body and the cold look in Murphy's eyes as he shot him. He lifted his pajama shirt, and even when he saw smooth skin unmarked by any bullet wound, he still felt uneasy. What the hell is happening to me?! He thought, his heartbeat still pounding in his head. It had all felt so real. Breathe Eamon, just breathe. Let's go out and see where I've woken up this time. He clambered out of bed, nervous what he would discover on the outside of the master bedroom.

"Hello?" He called tentatively as he slipped out into the hall. It was quiet and empty, void of any other presence. "Hello, is anyone there?" He called as he tentatively walked forward, the sounds of his footsteps muffled by the soft carpeting.

"Eamon?!" A soft, surprised voice called out from behind him, making him jump.

He turned quickly, his nerves still fried from the unnerving dream he had, but even if he had been in a calm state of mind he wouldn't have been able to restrain the cry that erupted from his throat when he saw who had spoken. "Sean?!" He gasped, stumbling away like he had seen a ghost. With his sweet blue eyes, tousled brown hair, and gentle features it was undeniable that it was his son. "How-how are you-" he stammered, wondering if he was really talking to Sean's ghost.

"You finally came out of your room!" He exclaimed as he approached Eamon quickly, flinging his arms around him, catching him off-guard with his sudden embrace. "You've been shut up in there for days, you wouldn't let me in. I-I was so worried about you!" He buried his face against his chest to hide his tears, but the shakiness in his voice betrayed him.

Even though he was stunned for a moment, he quickly hugged his son back. "Shhhh, it's ok..." He tried to soothe him while choking up himself. Sean was alive and he could touch him, feel the warmth of his skin and the rise and fall of his breaths. To somehow have his son alive again was worth all the crazy realistic dreams he had. "I-I'm so sorry, for everything. I-I failed you-"

"You haven't failed me!" Sean protested, his voice still sounding muffled as he hugged onto his father. "I love you, just promise you'll never shut me out like that again!" He demanded, almost sounding angry.

"I-I promise... I won't ever shut you out like that again, I'm so sorry," Eamon apologized as stroked his son's hair. He could hardly believe that he was holding him again, but it was undeniable. He was alive. "I love you,  I love you so much!" He said, his voice raw with emotion.

Sean pulled away enough to meet his tearful gaze with his own. "I love you too!" He exclaimed before he stood up on his toes and pressed his lips against Eamon's in a sudden kiss.

Stunned, Eamon stumbled back, slapping his face reflexively. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He exclaimed, wiping his mouth in horror and disgust at his son's unacceptable action. "SEAN how could you do something like that?!" He reprimanded him, horror and anger clear in his tone.

"But, Eamon I-I" he stumbled back, tears brimming in his blue eyes as he looked up at him in fear and confusion, clutching his red stinging cheek."I'm not S-Sean..."

"Then who the hell are you?!" He asked, looking him up and down. With his messy brown hair and freckled face he was undoubtedly Sean, so why was he lying and why had he kissed him?

"It's me Eamon, Y/N," Sean's voice suddenly rose in pitch and after a blink, he was suddenly looking down at a teenage girl with H/C hair and tears sliding down her cheeks from her E/C eyes. "You-you remember me don't you? She asked as she continued to cry.

"Of course I do!" He tried to console her, reaching out to pull her close to him but she flinched away clutching her face as though she expected him to hit her again. "Oh, doll I-I'm so sorry! How could I have mistaken you for Sean I-something is wrong with me..." He rambled, his face turning an ashen graey as he stumbled away from her. His back hit the wall and he slowly slid down it, horrified.

"I don't care!" She protested as she continued to cry, throwing herself into his arms like her life depended on it. "I still love you Eamon!" she sobbed as she clutched onto him, her petite body trembling and her E/C eyes turning red to match her stinging cheek.

"I love you to Y/N, I just," he reached out his trembling hand to stroke her face, but pulled it back at the last moment, scared that some new delusion would cause him to hurt her again. He curled more tightly into the wall, receding into himself and holding his head in his hands. He would flinch away from even the most gentle of Y/N's touches and block out her comforting words. He didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve her kindness after everything he'd done. He was losing his mind and he couldn't trust himself to not drag her down into the same madness, but the thought of losing his one ray of light, his angel, was unbearable so he finally reached out to her and clung to her, praying that she was bright enough to save them both. "I-I can't even tell what is real anymore... but I-I know that I will always protect you Y/N... you're the only reason I have to keep living."


Yeah, Eamon's officially insane. He's even acknowledged it, but he still refuses to let Y/N go.

Also I am SO sorry I forgot to post this yesterday, I haven't slipped up like that in ages

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora