54. Divorce.

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Eamon and Y/N exited a greasy old diner called Elvis Lives where Y/N had spent the last half hour interviewing for a job as a waitress. "Wow I-I can't believe you did that for me!" Y/N stammered, hiding her embarrassed face behind her hands as she walked along the nocturnal street at Eamon's side, excited beyond belief that they had hired her. "I-I have a proper job now thanks to you..."

"Hey, I just helped you look your best," Eamon said, smiling cheerfully and patting her on the back reassuringly. "You got hired on you're own and I'm sure you'll do great!"

"But how will I work my shift?" She asked, the smile suddenly slipping off her face as she remembered that her mom expected her to work at the apartment over the time she would have had her shift at the diner.  "Mom'll be expecting me to work with her clients at night..."

Eamon had to grit his teeth and clench his fists to keep his rage from bubbling over at the thought of a mother pimping out her daughter, it made him detest that vile woman more than he already did. "Don't worry, I'll just pay to spend the night with you, then you can go to work without her finding out..." He said through his clenched jaw, resolved to do whatever it took to protect her.

"Why..." Y/N whispered, looking down at the ground as they came to a stop outside the window they had crawled through to go out without being caught by the pimp. "Why are you being so nice to me?! I don't deserve this!" She suddenly exclaimed, the volume of her voice shocking Eamon as she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes.

"That's not true Y/N!" He tried to reason with her, placing one hand on her shoulder while the other reached out to wipe the glistening tears from her cheek. "You're-"

"-Have sex with me!" She interrupted him, pulling him closer by the collar of his shirt before pressing herself up against him. "Please, I need to pay you back and this is all I have!" She continued to cry as she began pulling her shirt over her head.

"Y/N I-" He faltered, stunned. Oh how he craved to be with her, the slight touching and provocative movements already enough to have him aroused, but he didn't want her to sleep with him to pay him back. "I shouldn't I-" he had to look away from her as he gestured that she should go back into the apartment through the open window.

"I want you to!" She said as her hands clawed at his collar, pulling his face close enough to kiss him, grinding herself against him. "Eamon please, I want you!" She said as she pulled away, looking up at him with desperate eyes that crumbled the last of his resolve.

. . .

Damn it! Eamon thought as he sturred from his slumber and looked around to find that he had been sleeping naked next to Y/N on the old mattress in the rundown apartment, only the headlights from cars driving by shedding light in the room. It wasn't supposed to happen like that!!! he thought, guilt crushing him as he remembered sleeping with Y/N earlier in the night.

It was just a one-time thing... It won't happen again, he promised himself as he slipped from the mattress and put his clothes back on, trying not to disturb Y/N's sleep. He walked towards the door and tried to slip out, but the old hinges creaked loudly.

"E-Eamon," the young prostitute stammered his name groggily as she sat up on the mattress. Even in the dark, he could see a frown come over her face as she saw him. "Where are you going?" She asked, her E/C eyes filled with sadness at the thought of him leaving.

"I-I need to go home..." He said as he turned away, unable to stand looking at her disappointed face and the crushing guilt he felt as he suddenly realized that he had cheated on Ann.

"Oh, ok..." She responded, sounding sad. He was so depressed at the realization of what he had done that he didn't even hear Y/N approaching him until he felt her small body press up against his back and her hands reach around and come to rest below his beltline. "What about a quicky for the road?" She asked, standing on tiptoe to whisper in his ear.

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