51. A Dream Come True.

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Eamon's eyes snapped open and he bolted upright in bed so fast that his vision clouded with black dots and he had to blink them away, feeling dizzy. Sweat rolled down his face as his gaze darted around his surroundings in a blind panic. He was in the master bedroom, sunshine pouring through the windows and luminating the whole room with a warm glow.

Despite the familiar and comforting environment, he was still very unsettled by his dream, even more so because Y/N was nowhere to be seen. Filled with a desperate need to see her, and confirm that it all had been nothing but a nightmare, he threw the covers off and bolted out of bed.

Not even bothering to pull on his robe he dashed out of the bedroom in nothing but his plaid pajama pants. Reaching the hallway he began to throw all the doors open, calling Y/N's name as he did so. "Y/N! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screamed, his panic growing as every room he looked into was void of life. He was so distraught he failed to notice that Y/N's old room had no bed and the floor was scattered with toys.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Y/N's voice called cheerfully from downstairs, in his frantic state of mind it sounded angelic to his ears.

His face breaking into an expression of glee as he realized that it was all a dream he bounded down the stairs and followed the sound of movement in the kitchen. "Y/N I-" he began, but he stopped short once he caught sight of her.

Y/N stood at the counter with her back facing him. She was stirring a bowl with batter, but what made him freeze up was that she was using her other hand to balance a baby in a blue onesie on her hip. "Good morning sleepyhead," she said cheerfully as she turned around and pecker him on the lips. "Gosh you look exhausted, thank you for staying up most of the night with Sean."

"S-sean?"Eamon repeated the name in shock as he looked between Y/N and the gurgling baby. "Isn't that strange?" He asked confused that Y/N wasn't uncomfortable naming their baby with the same name as his first son.

"You said the same thing when I first suggested it, but once you saw him you agreed that he was our little Seanie," she said as she lifted the little boy off her hip and cradled him to her chest. "Look at that cute face, you're handsome like your daddy," she said with a smile as she bopped his nose gently. He giggled and her face lit up at the sound.

"But doesn't that make you uncomfortable??" Eamon asked. His mind reeled as he tried to put his fragmented memories together and understand what he was. He vaguely remembered waking up with a pregnant Y/N in his bed and learning that she was his partner, and of age, but he thought that was all a dream. "Since Ann and I... You know... Our son was... Sean.." He murmured, his face heating up from the awkwardness of mentioning it all to her.

"Sweetie, before we met you were a lonely man married to his work," She replied, her eyebrows knitting together in concern as she looked up at him. "Ann is just part of that fever dream you had a few months back, she's just part of a bad dream - now sit your butt down. I'm making waffles." Her expression changed to a much more cheerful one as she returned to the batter she was stirring and holding Sean on her hip.

. . .

After breakfast, Eamon had a wonderful time playing with Sean and Y/N in the living room. Before they even realized it, it was afternoon and time for their son's nap. Y/N carried him up to the room with all the toys on the floor that Eamon now realized was a nursery. Once he was asleep Y/N thew on a bikini top and a pair of jean shorts and told Eamon she wanted to wash the car and before he could process what she said she was already out the front door.

"Y/N, you know it's not necessary to wash the car ourselves," Eamon called as he walked outside, nevertheless rolling up his sleeves to help once he saw that she was already wetting the car with the hose. "I could just take it to the car wash and save you the work," he offered futilely.

"That's true, but it's a beautiful day and this gives me an excuse to be outside," she said as she filled a bucket with soap and water and dipped a washcloth in it before beginning to wash the car. "Come on, I thought you'd be enjoying the show," she teased as she looked over her shoulder and gave him a cheeky wink.

"I-I am but-" Eamon stammered. He couldn't deny that he had been admiring her body since she had changed her clothes. The bikini and shorts revealed her petite figure, the fading stretch marks on her stomach the only trace left from her pregnancy. "but what about the neighbors?" he asked in a hushed tone as he glanced around the culdesac.

"Come on, Mr. Miller and Mrs. Johnson have been having an affair for the past two years. They are far too caught up in themselves to gossip about us," Y/N laughed, placing her soapy hands on her hips confidently. Eamon was taken aback by her boldness, but he liked seeing her so carefree. "And so what if they do? We're happy and that's all that matters." She added as she walked up to him and put her hands on his chest,  he shivered as the water on her hands soaked through his shirt. He learned down but before their lips could meet they were interrupted by a voice and Eamon jumped back from Y/N when he saw who it was.

"Miss L/N, Mr. O'Dargan," Annie stood at the base of the driveway holding a plate of cookies, her smile making her wrinkles more apparent.

"Oh, Annie! How nice of you to stop by," Y/N said, breaking into a smile and rushing to greet the old woman. "beautiful weather today isn't it?"

"Yes, lovely weather," she replied, her German accent the same as ever. "I just wanted to stop by and give you these," she said as she handed Y/N a plate of lemon cookies.

"Thank you, you shouldn't have-" she thanked her but was interrupted as the woman continued to speak.

"Don't worry, it wasn't a bother," She smiled, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. She reached into her purse and pulled out a pair of chunky handknit baby booties and gave them to Y/N. "I also knit these socks for Sean, they'll keep him from catching a cold."

"That's so sweet, thank you!" She hugged the older woman as best she could while balancing the plate of cookies. "Would you like to come in?" She offered, taking a step towards the front door where Eamon still stood frozen.

"Oh no, I won't trouble you more," Annie shook her head as she began walking away on the pavement. "have a nice day you two," she waved to them as she left.

"Where is she walking? Doesn't she have to drive home?" Eamon asked once she was out of earshot. If he remembered correctly she lived several miles away from his home and there was no way she could walk that far at her age.

"No, her house is just there," Y/N disputed him as she pointed to the largest house on the culdesac. "She's such a sweet lady, she even offered to babysit Sean for free." She smiled wide at her good memories of the old lady as she turned to go back inside.

"Come on, we better go check on Sean sweetie," she called over her shoulder before walking back into the house with Annie's gifts.

Everything is different from what I remember... Eamon thought as he looked after Y/N, trying to adjust to it all. But is that such a bad thing? I never married Ann, Sean never killed himself, Y/N is happy and we can be a family together. There's nothing else I could want. He thought, allowing a wide grin to settle on his face as he followed Y/N back inside the house.


Looks like Eamon awoke from his bad dream to find himself in a much better place, but the real nightmare is still to come. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt