Chapter Sixty-Four Part III

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Troubles of That Which Rule the Summit of Power

They say home is not a place but the feeling of warmth, security, and familiarity the people would bring. Totally different from the one I used to return to when I was just that typical noble lady. The Klein Estate back then would always feel empty, always quiet and everything would already be planned out. My father and brothers care for me to an extent for I was the only lady after my mother died, but I also know they care about appearances and our businesses more than anything else.

"We're family, aren't we?"

Now that I got to this position, they would often get me to handle certain things using that same tiresome line again and again, expecting me to just nod and agree to whatever they say. I got to the point it became so troublesome that I cut ties with them not because I don't care, just because I wanted to be left alone. I've always held my composure and 'kind lady' act in front of them all my life that at that moment they used that line again, I decided it was time to give myself some space. It's probably the reason why my ability is spatial manipulation in the first place.

The second home I've been to was the Academy where people began to see me not as someone who came from a powerful household, but as the rank seventh. I thought things would only get better from there, especially after I actually had real friends for once. My memories in the Academy with those two were certainly one of the best times of my life. But now I could only reminisce the times where I don't have to think about wars and strategies.

After so many years, this is probably the  only place I'd ever consider as a home. The last and the final. Everything here is comfortable, it'd get that way eventually after many years of staying here. Especially with the smell of smoke and metals blaring themselves through those almost empty halls except for a few soldiers on their usual patrols, though despite that emptiness, everything was noisy.

From early morning to midnight, that deafening sound of the workers doing their tasks with strange mechanisms here and there would do their utmost best in making sure none could ever sleep, as well as the clamours of heavily-fired artillery prototypes that would ring throughout the entire Avian Zone.

Well, it'd be strange if things around here aren't making any sort of noise, otherwise I would have ruled the place was under attack. Certainly, nobody would dare. The Avian Zone covers the entire territory of East. After half of Magnus drowned into the deepest of the ocean many years ago, what left of once productive and big country were the Eastern and Southern Territories.

Both Territories were already long comprised by my army, and the easiest thing is that after Magnus fell, the Saints had each fled. While we leave citizens to their own business, Magnus had stayed as a Military Country for over how many years even now. I built a large military garrison here in the East which could rival en entire city. However, the Avian Zone is different. It's similar to a Command Post where the main HQ is located but at the same time, it's also a facility only those with permission can get inside.

Not that anyone can sneak in when the Zone is exactly floating above the skies of Magnus. Avian Zone is a giant aircraft covered by the thick dense of smoke coming from the large pipes from underneath the aircraft that nobody could see it. The aircraft, of course, isn't completely done yet that it only ever stayed above Magnus.

I was the one who proposed and designed the outline plans for the Avian Project many years ago when I was just starting off as President of such a large army. Considering the damage we could deal using this, the idea of a giant air-based military headquarter that could house literally a city of armaments tempted me into making the project possible. However, Titania convinced me to halt the Avian Project and pooled all our military resources into building Acnolgíum that the project never came to be.

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