Chapter Twenty-Four

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Breaking Future

I wonder why I can never choose between vanilla and jasmine. Both have rich and exquisite flavour that soothes my whole system. The way their liquids flow through my throat is always so pleasant like one could never get tired of it. The texture are both different though. Vanilla usually have this creamy texture aroma while jasmine looked like a coloured water but with scent that would make anyone tingle.

There are different varities of these drinks, like vanilla bean black tea, vanila chai tea, jasmine green tea, jasmine oolong, jasmine black tea...but my most preferred types of these teas are cinnamon vanilla milk tea and of course, the popular jasmine pearl tea. I usually brew both types of teas myself to be able to achieve the perfect flavour, I don't trust other people easily after all.

Yes, trust. Speaking of the fact that I don't trust people easily, a great example of it should be this young lady sitting in front of me. The weather outside is beautiful and me crossing my legs holding both cups of the teas I have mentioned earlier, today should be one of those relaxing moments that I rarely come to meet. Yet whenever I seem to look at her, I could never do so.

"Are you two just going to stare at each other?" The door opened revealing Kana Grail who has been gone for almost an hour now.

She left us here in this room while the Dwarf King is still busy as she deals with her own business. Her eyebrows furrowed seeing no reaction from the two of us. I returned my gaze to the cups I'm holding, and with a sigh, I placed both on the table and looked at this girl once again.

I was trying to understand the magic behind her face, how come she looks so much like me? I couldn't sense a particular amount of spiritual energy from her so might as well say she's really that weak or she has them hidden. If Kana was right and there was no such magic that could do a perfect copy of one's face, then I have to force myself to accept these two possibilities. Either that she's a long-lost sister from another man or woman or that she indeed came from the future.

"Are you always like that?" She asked, breaking the silence.

She's slender, her eyes are paler, her eyelashes are long, has a long black hair that reached up to her waist which is pretty much the same length as mine, and what's more—ah, her speech and character somehow resembles my own. Although our movements are different, while I move with grace and smoothness, she moves wildly, she has too much excess movements and obviously, she doesn't have any experience fightining an actual battle.

Looking from this point of view, she's really thin like she has never eaten a mouthful of food. She has a fair skin, but at the same time I can't help but think that she's actually just pale. I could tell all of this just by a single glance. It might not be a fact since after all, she managed to enter in this place, but my first impression of her is that she's useless, someone whom people would get tired protecting.

But then again, perhaps I'm wrong.

"What do you think are you doing?" I asked, prolonging my patience. Kana just handed her my cup still full of vanilla.

"Finally back on your senses?" Tsk. Have I been spacing out for that long? "Finally ready to accept reality?"

"I'm just accepting the possibility." I took a sip from the cup filled with jasmine then sighed. "But that does not mean I accept her. She just owned my identity, pretending to be me, and then what? Long story short, I don't trust her." I said all of that looking at the girl as if I'm looking at the mirror.

"That's so like you." She sighed. "Well, not that I didn't expect this. But I'll have you know that it wasn't my intention to ruin you at all—"

"I'd appreciate if you cut to the chase." She frowned. It's obvious she's annoyed.

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