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Marcio Bianchi was a simple man really! He liked seeing his business thrive so he worked tirelessly to build the already large empire he had established from scratch, he liked an occasional drink so he visited the local bars in whichever city he was at the moment and finally, he liked sex so he more often than not picked up girls from the prior mentioned bars and given his looks and overall dark aura it wasn't hard to pick up these said girls.

However, there was now a complication in his simple life. Olivia Colton! His close friend's ex-girl of all people was the reason for his deteriorating mental health. He was snapped out of his reverie about the young brunette by the young blonde sitting in front of his, hand nursing the fruity cocktail he had just bought her, a small frown of annoyance adorning her pretty face. "So what do you think?" she probed, looking at him expectantly.

Marcio looked at her for a few seconds before letting out a sigh of defeat, he wasn't even going to try guessing what the girl had been on about, it wasn't worth the guaranteed opportunity to take her back to his place, in fact, he didn't even think he really wanted to take her home. He just wasn't feeling it, to be honest, he hadn't felt like it for a week now. Coincidently the same amount of time since he last encountered Olivia. "Ah listen shelly-"

"It's Caroline," 

"Sorry ya Caroline, look-"

"You don't want to take me back to your place to have your wicked way with me?" she guessed.

A small smile crept up to his face as he nodded his acquiescence, she smiled back before nodding her head in thanks for the drink and sauntered away. 

The glass of bourbon in his hand seemed to lose his interest as well so with a confused grunt of frustration he dropped a couple of notes on the bar and headed out. The cool air was a fresh welcome from the usual humidity of Australia. He ran his left hand through the curly mop of dark locks atop his head. His formerly crisp white dress shirt crinkled as he gripped the end and pulled it out of his waist where it was tucked in. 

One more day and he'd see her. He was severely perplexed, the little chit was under his skin and he didn't necessarily understand why? He'd met her before with Alexander but it was different now, something had shifted between them, maybe it was the fact that she was no longer with his friend or maybe it was the entirely earnest expression on her pretty face that he had seemed to memorize. Whatever it was, it was beginning to piss him off. 

He kept walking until he reached the beginning of a sandy path leading down to a small opening to the beach. He walked on and took a seat on the edge of the wet sand where the waves of the salty water could just about reach him. The sun was beginning to rise and he thought it was a picturesque scene to end his confusing day - no week on. 


His eyes closed a little as the warm burn of whiskey slid down his throat.  His head pounded a little as a group of well-dressed socialites he was certain his publicist had included on the invite list ambled over to him, trying to subsequently rope him into their ceaseless and needlessly inane chatter. Marcio noticed with a little grimace that usually he was rather fond of observing the rather aimless sycophants that tried to rope him into their group, kissing up to him in a desperate attempt to either gain his attention as a paramour or try to rope him and his enormous bank account into a business deal but not today. Today was different because his mind was somewhere else, waiting for someone.

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