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Nathan Moore was furious. Blood was pounding through his veins and he felt completely out of control. He wanted to hit something. He wanted to beat the absolute shit out of something.

He wiped at the blood under his nose and cringed when his fingers touched it. No doubt that it was broken but he knew enough about his own body to know that the pain would go away in a couple of days. He couldn't believe that she hit him and felt the anger start to build again. He also couldn't believe that he was stupid enough to try to pull her out of the bar. He hadn't been thinking. It was a dumb thing to do.

He had just been so stunned when he saw her out on the dance floor. His fiancée. Bumping and grinding along with any man that would have her. Except him. She had turned him down flat.

Nathan's friend, Josh, had just taken off and he had opted to stay and finish his beer when he looked up and saw her. His heart immediately leapt into his throat. "No way" he whispered, his rational mind telling him that it couldn't possibly be her. She was dead. He went to her funeral. He read her suicide note to him. He tried so hard to mourn her but was too damn angry.

He looked back to the dance floor feeling the anger that still lingered come back to the surface. All of the hurt and pain that he felt months before came flooding back to him. His mind was fighting a battle with his heart. It couldn't be her, could it? But she looked the same, just a little change to her hair. She was still his.

She played him. He never really knew her though did he? He shouldn't be surprised by anything that she did. Funny though, that they would end up in the same place. Her damn bad luck wasn't it? He wasn't easily played. Fool me once and all that shit.

Waiting for her to leave the bar he couldn't help but sneer when she didn't come out by herself. Two big guys flanked her as they came out of the building. She was probably offering them sexual favours too.

When they noticed him waiting, one of them started his way so he got quickly in his car.

There would be another chance to talk to her. To express to her that she wouldn't get away with what she had done.

His mind worked as he drove all the way back to the friend's house that he was currently calling home. He'd sleep on it.

He winced again as he drove too fast over a pothole in the road and felt a flash of pain in his nose.

Stupid bitch.

A Rose in ShadowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora