Chapter 29

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Friday at work Samantha was happily chatting up customers when she spotted a dapper elderly gentleman enter the café clutching a single red rose in his hand. The sweet visual made her heart swell and she was already smiling widely at him when he approached the counter. She was happy for the lucky lady who would soon be the recipient and thought how wonderful it would be to still be getting flowers brought to you at that age. Catching her eye he grinned at her.

"Hi" he said cheerfully. "I'm supposed to give this to Samantha"

"Oh" shocked Sam took a step back in surprise. Putting her hand to her chest she said "That's me!"

"Well then I guess this is for you" he said and handed the flower across the counter to her. Immediately her thoughts went to Adam and it made her smile.

"I guess the big guy outside is a little shy" the man continued. "I was holding the door open for him when he asked me if I would mind delivering it to you. Said he didn't want to disturb you at work".

Uneasiness crept into Sam's veins and she carefully set the rose down on the prep counter behind her. Turning back to the man she asked "What did he look like?"

The man was distracted and trying to read the menu board but he must have heard the worried tone of Sam's voice. Immediately concerned he leaned toward her "what's the problem, honey?"

Trying to shake off her apprehension Sam managed a tremulous smile. "I have a boyfriend so I'm a little concerned about receiving anonymous flowers"

Accepting this answer the man straightened. "Um, let me think. He was just shy of six feet, about two hundred and thirty pounds, dark hair and eyes. Looked muscular"

"Thank you" Samantha said to the man and gave him another timid smile before she caught her co-worker's eye "I just need to take a quick two minutes, Anna" she said and came out from behind the counter and headed to the staff room where she pulled out her cell phone.

She debated calling Adam but then decided that he was probably too busy to worry about something so minimal. Really, she was feeling pretty silly about her reaction anyway but knew that she should probably report it so that it could be added it to her file. There was no doubt in her mind that it was Nathan Moore toying with her and she didn't like the fact that he always knew where she was.

Calling the direct police number that she was given, not bothering with 911 as, in her opinion, it was not an emergency, she waited until the call was answered. After speaking with Sgt. Lyle, whom she remembered from her visit at the station, she pulled herself together and went back out to the counter where Anna was suddenly swamped with customers. It was almost forty minutes later and they were able to take a bit of a break when Adam and Jamie pushed through the doorway.

Starting to smile at the sight of Adam, Samantha immediately stopped when she noticed the hard look in his eyes. Looking over his shoulder at Jamie, with a silent question. Jamie gave her a slight shake of his head as they approached.

"Where is this flower?" Adam barked out and Sam gave a nervous jump. "Um, right over here" she turned to retrieve it from where she had set it on a back counter.

Sgt. Lyle had told her that someone would be along to pick it up but also warned her not to get her hopes up that it would lead to anything. When she turned back both men were waiting for her at the counter. Jamie was the one who reached out to take it from her hand. "Is the man still here who delivered this to you?" he asked her kindly.

Sam cast her gaze around the room until she spotted the elderly man sitting with a woman at a table by the far window. "That's him" she nodded with her chin "with the dark blue sweater" Jamie tapped Adam on the shoulder and gave him a look of warning and left to approach the couple.

Adam held Sam's gaze and she could see the muscle clench in his jaw. She waited for him to speak.

"Why didn't you call me, Samantha?" he asked with a low voice.

"Um, I didn't want to bother you." She paused when he let out a low growl.

"I'm sorry, Adam. I didn't want to pull you from your job so I just called the number you gave me for my case to let Sgt. Lyle know."

Realizing that he was perhaps overreacting Adam took a deep breath.

"From now on you call me" he said roughly. "You're mine and I care what happens to you. You're right, maybe I wouldn't have been able to come right away but I want to know if you're ever in trouble. I want to be the first"

She watched intently as he spoke, realizing that he was afraid for her and that she had hurt him unwillingly. It dawned on her that a man like Adam would be offended if she didn't trust him to protect her and she sensed that she had hurt his pride more than anything.

"I'm okay" she whispered not taking her eyes from him.

He closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them again she saw the affection and frustration in them.

"Come here" he said and motioned toward the opening in the counter. Joining him there they watched each other carefully before Samantha stepped forward and put her hands up against his chest. "I'm really okay" she said again.

Touching his forehead to hers Adam reached up to cover her hands with his, pressing them tightly against his heart.

"I need to kiss you, Samantha" he muttered, his eyes searching hers.

Samantha stretched up on her toes to touch her lips gently to his, lightly sipping as she went. When she stepped back Adam's eyes had darkened and he cleared his throat.

"Call me when you get home tonight" he said. "What time is Emma Kate meeting you here?"

Uh oh. "Um, about that. I was going to call you" Samantha said hesitantly and Adam's eyes narrowed at her.

"Emma Kate called a couple of hours ago. Her grandmother fell and broke her ankle so she's got to go back home right away to look after her for a couple of weeks until she can get moving again."

Emma Kate had been raised by her grandmother and they were each other's only close living relative.

Adam looked like he could kill someone.

"It's okay, though" she hurried "I called Finn and he is going to pick me up and take me home. He'll check out my apartment, lock me in and then pick me up again in the morning for class on his way to work. I have a lab in the morning, even though it's Saturday."

She went on, "He isn't able to stay though, because they are doing emergency septic work at his town house overnight so as not to disturb the hospital down the street and he has to be home to supervise – you know, making sure all of his sinks, toilets and everything still work as they go along." She realized that she was babbling.

"I'll be fine. I'll call you when I'm going to sleep and when I get up. Don't worry."

"Dammit, Samantha" Adam growled. "Do you know how helpless I feel that I can't be there with you?" When she started to speak he cut her off. "Never mind. I'm not being fair to you. It's not in any way your fault. I'm sorry"

He grabbed her hands. "You better not forget to call me" and he kissed her hard before leaving to meet Jamie where he waited at the door. Giving her a small wave, Jamie followed Adam out the door.

As soon as they were back in the squad car Adam picked up his phone and dialed "Patrick. You said you are coming tomorrow right? I need a favour."

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