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By the time they finished at the police station it was lunchtime and Samantha was starving. Offering to buy Finn lunch she talked him into stopping at the deli around the corner from her apartment so that they could pick up some roast beef sandwiches and potato salad and then they went back to her apartment to settle in at her tiny kitchen table to eat.

"Mac should be here around 4:30. I promise not to go anywhere if you want to go help your friend with his cottage for the afternoon".

Eyeing her plate and weighing the odds of getting the rest of her food, Finn stretched out his long legs around hers under the table. "Nah, I called him when you were in class this morning and made arrangements to catch up with him tomorrow". He grinned at her. "I'm all yours, kid. Do you want me to check your homework?"

"Cheeky" she muttered around a bite of sandwich before pushing her plate towards him when she noticed his hungry look.

"Okay then, I told Mr. Connor that I could make a run to the hardware store for him today with his truck to pick up some planters. I thought that I was going to have to cancel on him but now you could join me if you like".

"Sounds good" Finn said as he cleaned his – her – plate and rose from the table taking the dishes with him. "Let's go".

The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon running errands and lugging planters, soil, plants and various tools from the hardware store to the Connors' back yard while Sam's landlords busily worked in their garden.

Jim and June Connor were both in their late seventies but some days even made Samantha tired with their endless energy. They were very active in the community and together, and separately, belonged to numerous clubs and committees. The most important currently, however, was the annual Jamesville Garden Tour and Mrs. Connor had her eye on a prize this year.

So, the two of them enlisted Samantha, when she had some time between classes, and had been spending every free moment of the last three weeks, bringing the flower beds and lawns up to Mrs. Connor's high standards. Samantha now knew more about rose chafers and deadheading peonies than she ever knew before or probably would ever need to know again.

During one of Samantha's trips to the truck to unload Finn quickly filled the Connors in on the situation with the assault.

With righteous indignation they both turned on her the minute she returned to the yard.

"Samantha Kincaid, why in heaven's name didn't you tell us what happened to you."

Stalking over to her Mrs. Connor carefully pulled down the collar of Samantha's top to look at the marks on her neck and gasped, placing her hand over her mouth. "Let me see your arm, child." Embarrassment once again drowned Sam but she did as she was told and pulled up her sleeve.

"That animal!" Breathed out Mrs. Connor and she took Samantha gently into her arms.

"Until they catch this monster you let me know of your comings and goings, young lady, and I don't want to hear any sass about it"

"Alright" said Samantha reluctantly and glared over at Finn who was looking pretty pleased with himself.

They all turned at the sound of slamming car doors coming from the driveway and watched as Samantha's brother, Mac, and his long-time friend Malachi, came around the side of the house.

"Hey everyone" Mac called out and with a huge smile on his face, made a beeline straight for his sister and collected her in a bear hug, swinging her around.

"Watch her arm" Finn muttered to him as Mac set her back down.

Furrowing his brow Mac looked over to her.

A Rose in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now