Chapter 18

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Later that night on her supper break Samantha called Adam's cell.

"Samantha" came his deep sexy voice when he picked up. She could sense his amusement and it put a smile on her face. She supposed that two could play at that game so she deliberately lowered her voice to make it huskier "Adam". He gave a small growl and she laughed.

"How is your day going?" she asked him, settling into her chair in the break room at the café and putting her sore feet up on the chair beside her.

"So far so good" he answered and she could hear his partner's voice in the background talking to someone else. "How about you?"

"Almost done. Another two hours and then I can head home for a soak. It was a busy day".

They chatted a little bit longer before Sam glanced at her watch and sighed. "Well, Detective, my break is officially over. Thank you for keeping me company, though" she smiled while she spoke.

"Anytime, gorgeous" was Adam's laughing response. "I look forward to your call again tomorrow...since you like me".

"Goodnight, Adam" Samantha said, still smiling.

"Goodnight, Samantha".

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