Chapter 59

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After packing her bag for her shift Samantha made her way to the door where Adam was already waiting, checking the messages on his cell phone. He glanced up and smiled when he saw her. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met" he whispered into her ear and brushed a kiss to her temple. Wrapping his arms around her he gently pressed his lips to hers. "And you are all mine" he murmured.

Adam never failed to make her feel wanted and desirable and Samantha was almost certain that he loved her too. Lord knew that she loved him, of that she was now positive, but because every stage of their relationship had been fast-tracked to this point she was most nervous about this next step for some reason.

They walked to Adam's truck as they talked over their plans for the night. When she was done her shift they intended to head over to Adam's old apartment to give it a final cleaning before he handed his key in. Both of them having been raised to believe that when you use someone else's things you return them in the condition you received them, or better.

"You do realize that I have never even been to your apartment before?"

Adam stopped in the driveway to look at her, astonished. "Oh my god, you're right"

He grinned. "You just get me so hot and bothered that I jump all over you here and never let you leave" She laughed and tossed him a coy look. "Maybe tonight we can give your apartment a proper send off and I'll let you get all hot and bothered over there once".

Adam closed his eyes and groaned. "This day better go by fast".

Samantha would be done a bit earlier tonight so they should be able to finish their cleaning and be back to their own apartment with enough time to have a late supper – the takeout that they planned to pick up on their way home, and watch a movie. While they chatted and made plans, neither one of them noticed the large man watching them from down the street.

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