Chapter 22

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Feeling a warm breeze over her skin, Samantha opened her eyes slowly, realizing that she had just had the most wonderful nap of her life. The smell of freshly cut grass pleased her and she could hear the faint buzz of a bee from the flower bed by her feet.

While she lay there enjoying the final edges of unconsciousness she heard quiet voices coming from the direction of the house and turned her head slightly to investigate. Adam and Mrs. Connor sat on the back patio of the house drinking, what appeared to be iced tea. The sun had moved around the house and the patio and yard were now dappled with only a hint of the afternoon sun. Adam was looking over her way and noticed her movements. Smiling at her he called out "did you have a nice nap?"

She returned his smile and gave a small wave and was just pulling herself to a sitting position before remembering that she was still wearing a very skimpy bikini and nothing else. Also remembering at that moment, that she had forgotten to bring a covering with her.

Sam knew that she had a good body. She worked out regularly to keep it that way but her goal was always toward health and not vanity so she rarely chose or wore clothing to emphasize any part of her – preferring comfort and style in her clothing choices. Emma Kate had talked her into buying the bikini when they shopped an end of season sale last fall. Samantha's intention was to use it strictly for sunbathing, in private, which is what she thought that she would be doing today. 

Suck it up, Kincaid. Taking a deep breath she swung her legs to the side and stood up to gather her things before making her way to where the two sat.

Adam was stunned. He knew, or thought that he knew, that Samantha had a good body. He'd seen her legs on Sunday when she wore a skirt to their coffee date but he was not expecting the seriously toned abs and thighs or the perfect breasts that were currently covered by a very skimpy white bikini. She was ripped, he thought shocked, and feeling his mouth dry up, reached for his drink to give him something to do with his hands while Samantha approached.

"I'm so sorry. I guess I was more relaxed than I thought. I only meant to be out here for a little bit so I haven't started dinner yet" she could feel the blush rising to her cheeks and noticed the twinkling amusement in Mrs. Connor's eyes at her discomfort.

"If you give me about 5 minutes to change, Adam, you can come on up".

Since he hadn't yet found his voice he just nodded at her and watched her walk away, quickly averting his eyes when Mrs. Connor looked over at him. He looked back down into his iced tea and took another sip.

"Ahem" Mrs. Connor cleared her throat pointedly and picked up her own glass, looking over the rim to catch Adam's eye. "I can tell that you are a fine young man" she began "but my girl is the best so..." she gave a pause "I'll be keeping close tabs on her. I'm assuming we understand each other?"

Adam tried to conceal his grin. "Yes ma'am" he replied.

"So tell me about this antique car show?"

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