14 - The Awakening

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The entire house was silent, only the occasional sound of whimpers filled the still air. Harry Charlie Clearwater was practically a replica of Seth, only with his mother's eyes. And Ruby Rosalie Clearwater had Seth's brown eyes, but everything else was her mother's.

They had been born four days ago, nothing out of the ordinary with them. And YN has been asleep since then. 

Seth rarely left her side now, only leaving to inform the pack of how she was. Emily had visited twice despite Sam's worries. Leah visited once, before leaving in guilt and anger. 

They hadn't been able to protect her.

But they waited for the moment where she would wake up. No longer human. But instead a vampire just like her sister.


I could tell that something was different when I felt warmth surrounding me. The Cullen's were always cold, but I didn't feel cold at all. 

I could still feel my heart beating in my chest. A soft thumping echoed through my bones. 

I felt stronger than before. My disease no longer bringing me down and holding me back. 

But I couldn't hear everything around me like Bella had said she had. I could only hear the distant murmurs of unclear words, and smell the soft lilac candle that Esme must have lit. Everything that I had thought to be different was still exactly the same. 

Red light shined behind my eyelids, and I could feel my body slowly waking up.

How long had I been asleep?

How were my babies? Were they safe?

"YN, hey open your eyes for me." I could hear Seth whisper.

And slowly my eyes flutter open.

An I am blinded by the light, was someone shining the sun into my eyes?


Seth smiled in relief as he saw his wife open her eyes, but his heart paused for a moment when he noticed something.

Her eyes were Green.

"Seth?" She whispered horsly after days of rest.

"Your okay, your safe." He gently brushed his thumb against her cheek, before kissing her forehead.

"What happened? Harry, Ruby?" She asked.

"They're okay, healthy, and perfectly fine. But how do you feel?" He uttered as he helped her sit up.

YN closed her eyes before nodding her head and looking back at Seth. "I feel, fine. Stronger maybe, and a little hungry for a burger from the diner. But, not like what Bella had told me. Seth, I don't-"

A slight rush of air came into the room, Carlise and Rosalie stood next to the door.

"Perhaps I could run a few tests-" Carlise voiced before he noticed the lack of red in her eyes. "We should run a test on Harry and Ruby, just in case."

He then walked out of the room while Rosalie looked at YN in shock. YN glanced at the door where Carlise had just left, before looking at Rosalie.

"What's up Rose? You're looking at me kinda strangely." 

Rosalie shook her head before smiling. "Sorry, it's just your eyes are still green."

YN blinked in surprise before Carlise came back in, being followed closely behind by Emily and Leah who were holding Harry and Ruby. Bella followed them closely with Renesmee and Jacob by her side.

"Glad you're awake YN, these little pups need some of your motherly affection." Emily smiled, barely batting an eyelash at the same color eyes she has had since birth.

YN smiled, ready to take Harry from her when Carlise step beside her.

"I'm just going to take a little blood, and then you should be fine." 

YN nodded, letting Carlise stick a needle in her arm to draw blood. It ended quickly, letting YN take Harry into her arms as Carlise readied another needle.

"As much as I would rather not do this, since it appears that you aren't a vampire-like us, I feel that it would be necessary to test the children just in case." He explained and YN nodded in confusion.

"So, I'm not?"

Rosalie shook her head. "It doesn't look like it sweetie, you still look human to me."

YN nodded her head, looking down at her son.

"After I test the samples, then I'll be able to tell you more."


YN smiled down at Ruby who was fast asleep in her crib with Harry right beside her. YN looked over her shoulder as she felt Seth putting his arm around her. He was smiling down at them before he looked at YN.

"Thank you." He whispered to her.

She chuckled and shook her head. "For what?"

"For staying, for giving me a family-"

"You already have a family, it's just a little bigger than before-"

He interrupted her with a kiss, pulling back with a smile. "You know what I mean."

She smiled and nodded. "I know."


YN and Seth stood in the Cullen house, awaiting the results of the test. YN holding Harry, and Seth holding Ruby. A few other vampires stood around, wanting to hear the news as well, others just too stubborn to leave.

"Well, it appears that YN has a little bit of wolf blood in her veins, understanding since she did give birth to them." Carlise began. 

YN nodded with her brows raised in surprise. 

"However, it appears that Ruby will be able to shift. Harry, however, he won't be able to." Carlise frowned.

"Wait, how is that possible to know if they'll shift or not?" YN asked.

Calise sighed. "It seems that Harry had somehow been, drawing the vampire blood into him. And since the wolf gene is in him, it all seems strange. It mutated somehow, and it seems that he will be a hybrid of sorts. He's not a wolf and not a vampire. But he may have abilities that a vampire and wolf would have."

YN froze in confusion as her brain seemed to have fried from overthinking. 

"But it appears-"

YN closed her eyes as she felt the need to sneeze, and when she opened them again.

"Where the fuck am I?" Echoed through the forest as she looked around.

She glanced down at Harry who was smiling widely, gurgling with laughter. He was safe.


She turned around and saw Leah. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at the Cullen's with Seth."

YN laughed awkwardly. "Haha, funny story actually."

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