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{Your pov}

I wave bye to Jake from inside the house. He waves back before I shut the door and head towards the kitchen.

"Dad? You here?" I yell.

"Yeah, in the living room!" I hear him yell.

I quickly open the fridge and grab a beer for him, before heading to the living room.

I smile at him as I hand him the beer, and he returns the smile, while nodding thankfully for the beer.

"So.... how'd it go?" He ask.

I shrug. "It went pretty well, their really nice. And tomorrow Jake's going to take me to the reservation, so I get to go say hi to Billy."

Dad nodded and cleared his throat. "Talked to your Mom." He said.

My eyes widen slightly, but I force myself to relax. "Oh?"

He nodded. "She said that you had left some of your things, and that she was going to send them to you. Should be here in a week." He took a sip of his beer.

I relaxed fully and nodded. "Okay, must be some clothes or something."

'Or some medication I didn't bring.'

"So want to stay home and watch football?" I ask looking at the screen.

I see him look at me from the corner of my eye in almost disbelief.

"You like football?"

I turn to him and nod. "Yeah, I do. Guess Bella doesn't."

He nods and I laugh before turning back to the screen.

"Speaking of Bella, I think you should call her. I said I would call her today, but I think you should talk to your sister." He states.

I look at him before nodding and getting up. I walk towards his phone and dial her number in, before putting it to my ear and waiting.

"Hey Dad. What's up?" A familiar voice says over the phone.

I stay silent, remembering the last time we had actually spoke face to face. It was to long since then.

"Dad?" I hear her panic voice start to kick in.

I let out a laugh knowing how she panics quickly. "Not Dad Bella." I say.

I hear her gasp in surprise.

"YN? What- how do you have Dad's-"

I chuckle and interrupt her before she starts to ramble.

"I'm in Forks Bella, I'm going to be here for a while. But I'm here." I state.

Silence falls between us and I glance at Dad. He looks away from me, and starts to pay attention to the game and I let out a sigh.

"You missed my wedding YN." She whispered.

I smile sadly, glancing down at my arm and remembering the needles going into my arm. Taking blood and filling my bones with vitamins and other things.

"I know Bells, and I'm sorry. Listen, I have something to tell you once your back. But, you'll understand soon." I mutter.

I don't even have to see her to know she has a confused look on her face.

"Wait, YN what do you mean?"

I glance back at Dad, before turning around.

"Nothing Bells. Just, not to much alright. And please tell Edward that if he hurts you, I'll kill him." I say.

Life Line {Seth Clearwater}Where stories live. Discover now