Problems Arise

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It seemed that the entire universe hated us. Hated everything about us and made us a path paved to journey through hell.

The Volturi, an Italian coven that controls practically all the vampire laws.

They were going to come here, all because of Renesmee.

I had only a few weeks left before I would be giving birth to my son and daughter. And the stress was not helping at all.

More vampires were coming over, each always sending me confused glances before explaining why I was there.

But every time a new vampire came to town, Seth would practically become a wolf within a few seconds.  I  couldn't tell if it was because he didn't trust them, or if it was just in his wolf's nature to be protective over me and our kids.

Either or, it wouldn't change the fact that it was difficult trying to have a conversation with him in wolf form.

"YN? Where are you?"

I smile at his worried call from inside and I look over my shoulder at the open window.

"I'm over here Seth!"

His worried face relaxed as he saw me standing next to a tree in the backyard of Cullen's house.

"Why are you out here? None of them hurt you or anything right?" His voice grew deeper slightly, anger bubbling in his throat.

I shake my head before sighing. "No just wanted a little fresh air. No harm was done."

I could feel him relax as I turned to look ahead again, his hands resting on my stomach with his arms around me. I lean my head back against his shoulder, glancing up at him from the corner of my eyes. I could nearly roll my eyes at his love stuck look on his face, but it never stopped me from smiling. 


We both look over our shoulders as Jake walks out of the house. The look of authority on his face. 

I sigh. "Another patrol?"

Seth lets out a small groan before kissing my cheek and rubbing my belly. "I'll be back later."

I nod my head kissing his lips before pushing his shoulder. "Alright, go wolf-boy."

He grins widely at me, turning around and running off to Jake. I sigh again, rubbing my stomach, glancing up at the windows of the house. I stare unwaveringly up at the red eyes belonging to that of Alistar, and I silently raise a brow in his direction. He smirks at me laughing before turning away.

That's when I hear something.

A song.

Deep and enchanting.

It was calling to me.

My body turned back around, my eyes gazing over the empty forest to find it. To find who was singing the song.

Without hesitance, I step forward, heading deeper into the forest. My ears aching as I try and locate the singer.

The air felt thicker like a warm blanket was wrapped around me. Comforting me.

The song was soothing me, yet making my blood rush. I felt calm yet alive.

More alive than I had felt in years.

I hadn't been watching where I was stepping, and when a loud snap erupted below my feet, the singing stopped. 

I let out a shaky breath as I come back to reality, out of the trance I had fallen victim to.

Glancing around I notice I was far from the house, further than I had originally thought.

"Well well well. Look what's fallen into the lion's den." A voice spoke from above me.

Tilting my head up, I held my breath as I see nothing other than a blur. Within a second she was in front of me her fingers brushing the side of my neck.

"Who are you-"

She rolled her eyes, stepping back. 

"Who are you, what are you-' She disappeared, appearing behind me she whispered in my ear, 'Those are all such meaningless questions."

Fear spiked in me, and I placed a hand on my stomach for comfort as my babies kicked me.

"You shouldn't hurt me-"

"Why now? Got some secret voodoo powers to protect you? Yeah, I don't think so."

"No, I have-"

"Awww, you're pregnant! Just like I was before I was turned. What are you naming them?" She asked ignoring me, placing her hands on my stomach as she knelt down in front of me.

The fear was building up higher and higher, I felt like my breath was leaving me. Was I getting sick again? Was I going to pass out from blood-

"Never mind, it doesn't matter anyway!" She said standing up, a smile on her face, but her eyes screaming danger. "They'll die when I turn you!"


Everyone in Cullen's household froze at the sound of a scream that had pierced the air. The wolves who were on patrol around the house, and even on the grounds near La Push had frozen. 

And that's when a single Howl filled the air as the scream had faded into an echo. 

The Cullen's rushed out the doors, windows and headed in the direction where they could smell blood. And each one of them had wide-eyes when they realized who it had belonged to.

Within a matter of seconds, the vampire who was drinking her blood was ripped away from her, her body being torn apart. 

Rosalie and Bella sat down beside YN, Bella trying to stop the bleeding from her sister's neck. And Rosalie staring in horror as she realized that they were going to be too late.

"Carlise!" She cried out, looking over at him with fear in her eyes. 

"We need to get the babies out of her now. Th-the venom."

His own eyes widened, and he nodded his head as Seth entered the clearing. 

Seth growled lowly before his eyes met YN's. The sight of her green eyes, made him pause.

"Seth, change back right now. We need to get the babies out of her before the venom takes a hold of them as well." Carlise said as Rosalie began to pick up her best friend.

And then they rushed back into a house full of Vampires, but they knew better than to attack them. 


Everything was coming in and out of focus. Words blurring together, and my vision fading into darkness. 

I couldn't feel pain anymore. The burning sensation from the bite had faded. 

Was I finally dead?

Wait, no. I couldn't be dead. I mean, she bit me. She made me into a vampire.

Maybe this is my last moment as a human.

My last time being able to sleep and dream.

Maybe it would all make sense when I wake up again.

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