15 - The Conversation

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"I told you, Carlisle, I feel absolutely fine! Just needed to sneeze and then I was in the forest. Nothing else happened. And Harry seemed to enjoy it!" I say as Carlisle continued to both test my blood work and ask me questions.

Seth sat next to me holding onto Ruby, his eyes rarely leaving me and Harry. He sighs softly as he bounces Ruby gently in his arms as she started to fuss.

"YN you know that something isn't right, you shouldn't have been able to do that," Seth whispers.

I sigh and nod my head before looking at him with a small smile on my face. "I know Seth, and we'll figure it out. But I'm perfectly fine."

Rosalie raises her brow at me, and I roll my eyes. 

"Fine, I feel normal but I do agree. Something is weird about me."

Jacob scoffs as he crosses his arms. "Weird isn't exactly the word I would use."

"Eat me dog breath." I lightly glare at him, causing him to raise a brow in reply.

The Cullen's pause, before Carlisle turns to me.

"What?" I ask in confusion, looking at Seth who had also looked at me.

Carlisle stepped towards me shining light in my eyes rather abruptly. "YN can you describe to me what Jacob smells like?"

I blink my eyes quickly, "Yeah, he smells like he hangs out at a dog shelter, no, as if he lives there. Why do you ask?"

Carlisle hums slightly before he turns off the light and takes a step back. "Interesting."

Confusion bubbled up in me and I stare at him awaiting my answer.

"It seems as if YN is part Vampire like Renessme, but something is much different than that." He pauses. "Her blood work came back completely normal, however in her irises, there are slight tints of red that have snuck in there, very subtly and hard to notice at first glance. It seems to me that while she is normal to human standards, she is also quite peculiar compared to them as well."

Bella shakes her head as she stood in her corner with Edward and Renessme, "What do you mean Carlisle? What's wrong with my sister?"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Nothings wrong with me Bella."

Carlisle nodded his head. "Yes, nothing is wrong with you. However, you are showing signs of similar abilities to that of a vampire."

Seth looks at me before looking at Carlisle. "But I thought you said she had-"

"Perhaps I had misinterpreted some cells in her blood. However, I am certain that she isn't human anymore." He sighed and looked at me. "And considering the fact that you were able to teleport within a split second, I believe that you are a completely new hybrid like your son is."

I look down at Harry and stare at him softly as he sleeps in my arms. "So what am I?"

I look back up at Carlisle. "What is going to happen with me? You said I still showed the wolf gene but now I am a vampire hybrid? What does that mean for me, and for Harry?"

Carlisle sighed and shook his head.

"It's uncertain YN. We have no clue what this could mean for the two of you. However, I do know that all signs of your sickness are gone. You're healthy as can be. And so are your son and daughter. If Harry is anything like you are, he will most likely also have the same ability as you do."

I stared at him in shock before I notice one of the vampires walk into the room.

"You said you had just teleported, correct?" He asked with a British accent.

I nod slowly, placing my hand on Seth's shoulder as he tensed.

He smiled softly, his red eyes glowing brighter than the others. 

"Please let me introduce myself, my name is Lucifer, no nothing in common with the devil. However, I once knew a woman who had the abilities you have. Perhaps I can teach you how to harness and use your power. And you can pass it onto your son." Lucifer suggested.

I glance at Rosalie, then at Seth before turning back to Lucifer.

"What happened to the women? Why can't she teach me?"

His smile saddens slightly and he looks down at the floor. "My wife had died centuries ago, she would have loved to be here to see what the world has become. But I'm afraid that I am as good as a teacher your ever going to get."

Inhaling deeply, I nod my head. "Alright, I trust you to teach me about this. But I believe we have something else to talk about Carlisle."

"Where's Alice and Jasper gone? And how much longer do we have before they come?"


"YN? Why are you up?" Seth asks tiredly as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind my back.

I shake my head with a sigh as he places his chin on my shoulder. "I couldn't sleep, not even tired really."

I turn my head to look at him and see him looking off into the distance.

"Seth. Are you alright?" I ask gently.

He stays silent for a moment, his gaze unwavering as he stayed in his thoughts.

"Seth?" I call out again, turning around in his arms and cupping his face.

"Talk to me baby, please."

"I nearly lost you." He said softly, his eyes watering up as he finally looks at me.

"I nearly lost you, and Harry, and Ruby. I almost lost everything YN, and I couldn't do anything. I was weak and I nearly lost you." He cried.

I shake my head as my own eyes sting with my own tears. I wipe his tears with the pads of my thumbs. "But you didn't Seth. I'm right here Baby. And our babies are perfectly fine, their healthy just like I am. You-"

"You don't understand YN. If we had arrived a moment later, you would've been nothing more than a memory! We had to restart your heart, Ruby didn't cry for what seemed to be hours! And Harry, Harry almost. He nearly-"

I quickly pulled him into my arms, closing my eyes and held him.

"But that didn't happen Seth. We're all here, and we aren't going anywhere."

"I don't know what I would've done if you didn't make it-"

I pull back. "Don't think about that anymore Seth! I am fine, I'm alive." I grab his hand and place it on my chest, just above my heart. "Do you feel that Seth?"

He nods, but doesn't make eyes contact with me. I lean down slightly trying to catch his brown eyes.

"That's my heart beat Seth, and its stronger than it's ever been. Look at me Seth."

Slowly he looks into my eyes.

"We're okay Seth. It's okay now. We're going to be a family, and we get to watch them grow up. Together."

I pull him back into my arms, holding him tightly.

And his warm arms wrap around me tightly, and he nods.

"Together." He whispers hoarsely.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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