🍃Friends and Family

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{Your pov}

The ride was fast than I had expected, and with the sound of laughter between me and Jake as we rode to my Dad's house, I would say it went faster than it really did. I think there's a quote about how being happy and laughing or something along those lines, makes time go by faster. And being sad makes it slower.

I agree with it whole heartedly, but I wish it was the other way around. It would make things better for everyone I think.

We come to a stop infront of my Dad's house, and I notice his police cruiser in front of it. I smile widely, and hop of the bike. I hear Jake laugh beside me and I turn to look at him.


He shakes his head and turns of he engine with a smile on his face. "Nothing, just the way you looked when you hopped off. It was funny." He said looking at me, as he set the stand up.

I raise a brow and cross my arms and face him. "And why was it funny my good sir?" I say with a slightly posh accent.

He chuckles and looks at me through his lashes. "You looked like a kid going to a candy shop."

I pout. "And that's a bad thing?" I whine.

He shakes his head. "No, I never said that. I just ment......"

His gaze goes above my shoulder as he falls quite. I frown and turn around and notice my Dad standing in front of the open door. His face full of shock and disbelief.

"YN?"He whispers.

I smile and nod. "Hey Dad." I say.

And I've never seen him move so fast in his life, as he almost jumped down the steps to give me a large hug.

"I can't believe your here." He whispered.

I smile and sigh. "Neither can I." I mutter back.

He pulls back after long minute and looks me up and down, returning to his akward self.

"So, uhh, how have you been? Your school work done?"

I chuckle and nod. "Yeah, I wanted to be there for the wedding in all, but you know. I got kinda busy with school and work, and there's no flights that would have arrived in time. But, I'm here now, and I'm ready to spend a lot of time with my friends and family." I smile.

He nods and smiles slightly. " Well I'm glad your here kid, it was getting a little lonely after Bella left. . . . I see you've met Jacob."

I turn my head and glance at Jake and nod. "Yep, got reacquainted. He found me before I could get lost, and then brought me here. And yeah, that's it."

Dad nods and clears his throat, glancing at the duffle bag on my shoulder.

"Do you want to go and drop that in the house, cause then we could    .... hang out." He said awkwardly.

' So this is where Bella got all that from... funny.'

I smile slightly and nod. "I'll drop it in, but I was wanting to meet the in-laws? Yeah, we can hang out later and have dinner, but I would like to see everyone that's new to the family I guess."

His smile fades from his brown eyes, and he nods. "Okay, I gotcha. But be home before 5, we can go to that dinner where they make the blueberry pie you love."

I smile and nod. "I'd love that."

He clears his throat and gestures to my bag. "Let me go and put that in Bella's room, you can sleep there. And I'm sure Jake won't mind taking you to go see the Cullen's."

I had Dad my duffle bag and look at Jake and frown when I notice his angry but try to not show it face. He nods jerkily, and fake smiles. "Sure."

Dad nods and looks at me again. "I'm glad your here YN."

I smile and nod. "Me too Dad. Me too."

"See you later, alright. And be carful." Dad says as he walks back into the house with my bag.

I nod as me and Jake get back onto the bike the engine roars to life as I say bye to Dad.

And suddenly we were off again, zooming down the street but this time, only the sound of the wind rushing past us filled the air.

I look up through the trees and notice a house up the mountain, and see it's modern look to it from a distance.

"YN, there's something you don't know about them." Jake says as he slows down slightly.

I frown and lean over his shoulder. "What?"

He shakes his head. "Their not what you think they are. They aren't safe for you to be around YN."

I roll my eyes and put my chin on Jake's shoulder. "Jake, my sister, who is unbelievably clumsy and incredibly akward married into there family. I think I'll be fine. Besides, I have you to protect me!"

Through his black shirt, I could feel the tension and anger and worry leave as his muscles softened and lossened.

I heard him sigh as we approached the house, and slowly went to the driveway.

"Alright, but if you feel uncomfortable, tell me and I'll drag your straight out." He said as we came to a stop and he looked at me.

I nod and hopped off his bike and looked up at the house.

"Those are big windows." I mutter.

I heard Jake snort softly and I smile to myself. I glance at Jake and he looks down at me.

"You ready?" I ask.

He scoffs. "Am I ready? I was waiting for you."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Well I'm sorry princess, would you like me to bippedy boppedy boo you into a clock so you know who is ready faster? Cause I'm sure I was waiting for you." I sass.

Jake chuckles and shakes his head. "I forgot how different you are from Bella." He said.

I shrug and start walking to the door. "Well you better get use to it, cause I'm so much different than my dear older sister."

I knock on the door as Jake jumps up behind me. I wait patiently before the door opens and a beautiful blond opens the door.

I smile and stick my hand out. "Hi, I'm YN. Bella's little sister. And I'm sure you know Jake."

The woman smiles kindly and nods, shaking my hand. "I'm so glad to meet you YN, and I do know Jake. And I must say I'm surprised your here, we didn't know you were coming. If we had we would have cleaned up a little.  And I'm Esme."

I smile and shake my head. "No one knew I was coming, so your perfectly fine. And I was just wanting to meet the family my sister married into, but if it's inconvenient I can come back-"

"No of course not. Please come in, I'll go and get everyone so they can meet you." She says as she ushers us in.

I smile and look around her home and awe at everything.

"You've got a beautiful home." I say aloud.

"Thank you, my wife is the best at decorating." A male voice says.

I turn around and notice a blond man, he smiles and sticks his hand out.

"I'm Carlisle, and your Bella's younger sister?" He asks.

I nod and shake his hand. "Yes, your correct. I'm guess either you have a good memory, or Bella mentioned me more often than I thought she would have." I joke.

He chuckles, "She mentions you quite often, and I have a good memory."

I hear footsteps and I loom over his shoulder and notice more people coming down the stairs.

"YN, this is my family, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper. Everyone, meet Bella's sister YN."

I smile widely. "Hello!"

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