The silence is scary

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{Your pov}

I glance up at the Cullen house, the large windows filled with light indicating their presence. I feel Seth squeezed my hand and I glance at him, noticing that he was already looking at me.

"It'll be fine YN. Trust me." He whispers.

I slowly nod and try to swallow the lump in my throat as we walk to the doors. And surprisingly, Rosalie opens the door with a large smile on her face.

"Thought I wouldn't see you for another week YN. Your looking well!" She says as she pulls me into a hug.

I chuckle as my nerves slip away, and I return her hug tightly. "You know it's hard for me to stay away Rosy. Besides I needed to see my best friend and my in-laws."

She laughs and glances at Seth, a small smile on her face as she nods to him. "Glad to know your in good hands. But come on in, you must be freezing."

I take Seth's hand in mine again, dragging him in with me. A large smile on my face as we enter the warmed house.

"Are you hungry?"

"No, we're good actually." I say.

"We are before we came here." Seth states, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles.

I glance at him before looking at Rosalie again. "We actually wanted to talk to everyone. Mostly Bella, but we want you all there."

Her eyes widen slightly before she nods and turns away. I sigh softly and walk up the stairs to where I know Bella would be. My eyes staying on the ground as we reach the landing where Bella was.


My eyes dart up and I clench my jaw as I take in her current state.

Barely any better than last time.

"Bella." I whisper, before walking into the room and stand in front of her.

A look of confusion was on her face as she glanced between me and Seth.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were avoiding me." She says.

I inhale sharply before hearing footsteps enter the room, chuckling slightly at Emmett's large thumps. I glance at each of them, giving Edward a look while sending him a message to not tell Bella anything other than what I wanted to tell her.

I see his subtle nod in confirmation, and I sigh in relief.

"I wasn't avoiding you Bella. I just needed time to think." I say slowly.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" She asked gently.

My eyes dart back to hers and I sigh. "Bella, when I saw you for the first time in god knows how long. To see you like that, made me remember the days in the hospital where everytime I looked in the mirror, I saw what you looked like. A skeleton, with hollowed eyes and cheeks, with hair that looked like it was barely alive. It brought it all back to me Bella. I never thought you would look like that, ever."

I could see sadness in her eyes as she tried to sit up, but I smile.

"But that's not why I'm here Bella." I whisper as I squeeze Seth's hand gently.

I glance at him and see his lips pulled into a smile as he squeezes back.

"Then why-"

"Bella, I know I may not have a lot of time left. But I'm wanting to spend my last days with the people I love. I want to do something memorable, and fun. Something that would make a lot of people happy. And Seth, he figured it out before I ever could." I chuckle as heat floods into my cheeks.

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