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{Your pov}

I smile at them and notice two of them have smiles on there face, while the other two are looking at me confused.

The girl with short hair, smiled widely at me and walked over while dragging the blond boy along.

"Hello YN, I'm Alice. This is Jasper." She says while sticking her hand out.

I smile and shake her hand and look at look at Jasper. He hesitantly shakes my hand and smiles.

"Hello." He says in a southern accent.

I lift a brow in shock and chuckle. "Hello, it's nice meeting you both."

The other two walk over and the boy, who I guessed was Emmett grinned and we shook hands. "Emmett, this is Rosalie."

I smile and reach out to shake her hand, but she doesn't take it. I put it down and smile.

"Hasn't Bella told you about us? I figured she would have considering she's your sister." Rosalie almost snarled.

My eyes widen slightly at her words before I chuckle and shake my head whilst looking down.

"Umm, no she hasn't. Everything I know is from what my Mom told me. Me and Bella . . .  We haven't been able to talk for a while, a lot has happened while she's been here." I say, remembering all the doctors visits.

Jasper looks at me with a frown and glances at Alice and Carlisle. I smile at Rosalie and let my memories fade into the back of my mind.

"So, I can promise, all I hear are good things about all of you. And I'm happy to actually meet you all." I say.

Rosalie frowns slightly. "If you came to the wedding you-"

"Rose, enough." Carlisle interrupts.

She sighs and I glance at Jake. "If this was a bad time, I can come back another time. Really I don't mind."

Esme shakes her head and wraps her arm around my shoulders. "Of course it's fine, we don't mind the company. We're just. . . . .a little confused."

I raise a brow and smile slightly. "Why are you confused exactly?"

Esme glances at Carlisle and then at Jake. Jake frowns before it hardens to a glare. "No, no. You can't tell her. You dragged Bella into this, you can't bring her sister into this too."

"I'm afraid, she would have been brought into this anyways, Jacob." Carlisle says.

Everyone except Jasper and Esme turn him.

"What do you mean? Brought into what?" I ask.

Jake narrows his eyes at Carlisle before glancing at me in worry. "Carslile?" He asks.

Carlisle sighs and looks at me with sorrow. "Eventually everyone will find out, including Bella. And once she does, she'll want YN to become a vampire like us."

My eyes widen and Jacob snarls and glares. "That won't happen, Bella wouldnt-"

"She's dying Jake." Jasper states.

The air falls silent, and my eyes fall to the floor as I feel their eyes on me.

"Wh-what?" I hear Jake whisper.

I inhale shakely and look up at Carlisle. "How? How do you know that?" I whisper.

He looks at me sadly, and I ignore Jake's confused and sad stares.

"Your blood. It's not . . . . appealing to us. While some viruses can water down the blood, making it less attracting, yours is almost like air. Like there isn't anything there, it makes you less vunruble and makes you safe from attacks from other vampires." Jasper states.

I sigh softly and look down.

"YN, what are they talking about?" Jake asks.

I look up at Jake through my lashes, feeling pain in my heart at his broken expression.

"Jake... I, I have a disease called certa mors." I whisper.

His eyes widen slightly. "Certain Death." He whispers.

I nod slowly. "Jake, that's why I came back. That's why I'm here."

He looks down and I could see him clenching his fists again and again.
"How long have you known?" He asks.

I gulp and rub my upper arm. "Since I was 6."

He sighs and looks at me, tears filling his eyes. "Does Bella know? Charlie?" He asks, his voice cracking slightly.

I slowly shake my head. "No. They don't even know I have it."

He scoffs and looks down again. It falls silent, and I could feel the Cullen's eyes on me and Jacob.

"How long?" Jake asks.

I stay silent, rubbing my arm again.

"HOW lo-ng?" His voice cracks in sadness.

I look up at him, tears filling my eyes. But not for myself, but for Jacob. "10 months. I have 10 months."

I hear Jake inhale sharply and I close my eyes.

"Why are you here, you should be in the-"

"There is nothing they can do Jake." I interrupt. "I've known that for a long time, and I've accepted that. There isn't anything we can do Jake."

He looks at me with tears streaming down his cheeks. "How can you-"

"Because, Jake. I've been living like that for years, I know when my time is up. So please, don't do this."

He scoffs and I sigh. "Please Jake. Let me have these few months to pretend that in not some sick girl who should be resting instead of spending time with her family. I want to be happy and live with my family, see the what I've missed."

Tears fall down his face as I give him a hug. I smile softly when he rests his head on my shoulder, and I feel him slowly nod.

I slowly break apart from Jacob and turn towards the Cullen's. I smile softly and sigh.

"Sorry about that. But, can someone explain to me what you all ment by Vampires." I ask.

I could see guilt in Rosalie's eyes and she began to explain everything that happened with Bella and how they were all vampires. Jacob also explained how he was in a pack and that werewolves existed. He promises to take me to the reservation tomorrow to meet the pack.

Rosalie smiled kindly at me. "I'm sorry for earlier. That was rude of me, I just thought you would be like-"

"Bella? I'm not if you couldn't tell." I joke.

She chuckles and nods. "I can tell."

I sigh and look out the window, before I shake my head. "She's throwing her life away, I don't- I can't even...." I stop speaking and just sigh, before looking at Rose.

"No offence, but I don't think Edward should let my sister get turned. No matter if it's her choice or not. I wouldn't even make that choice." I state.

Rosalie nods and looks out the window. "I didn't want to either, and if I could, I would want to be human. No matter how hard it was." She whispered.

I nod. "Rose?"

She looks at me and I sigh.

"Don't let them change me. I accept my fate, and while more days sound great. I'd rather stay human than become a vampire."

She looks and me and nods. No words are spoke as the bond forms between us. A strange friendship started that day, but in a way, it was perfect.

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