034 | I have a club

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"None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith

 Because we have Faith

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We collapse next to each other,listening to each other's heavy breaths.I admire a lot of things about him and him staying with me after doing it makes me feel relieved.

"Come here." He says and I look over at him and he points at his chest.I crawl over to him and put my head on his chest listening to his heart beat which is still fast.I put one leg over him and we relax as he puts a blanket on us.

"You did really good." He said and I smiled at that.

"You think so?" I asked looking up at him.He tugged my hair behind my ear and pulled my face closer to his.

"Yeah" He simply said and kissed me.I don't even need him to say anything more.Just a kiss was enough.I put my hands around him and he played with my hair.This feels unreal,this whole thing with him is just unbelievable.

I never thought we would go this far.I'm afraid I'll fall in love with ,I'm afraid he will not think the same,and will reject me.Why am I even thinking about this?I should just enjoy this moment with me in his arms.

This is the feeling I want to feel every single day.I feel safe in his arms.It feels like he would protect me from everything,like he would be there whenever I'd need him.But what if he thinks of me just a horny girl who he can just fuck with?

I don't want to be that girl.I want to be the girl he can trust and the girl he will share his feelings with.


"Hm?" He asked half asleep.No I should not go that far.I would be a damn fool if I would ask if he liked me.Shake that thought out of your head Kim!

"Thank you for picking me up at the bar..I appreciate it." I smiled at him and he opened his eyes.A light smile appeared on his handsome face and he brushed his fingers on my cheek.

"Of course Kim." He said and I turned back slowly closing my eyes.

"I'll do anything for you" I barely heard this because I was half asleep now,maybe I just imagined who knows..


"Good morning!!"

"Ow,my eyes!" I roll back to my other side as he pulled the curtains to one side.I'm not a morning person for sure,I would prefer staying in bed all day.

"It's already 7 am Kim.We gotta get ready!" He said and his voice was.. soft?Like it was warming,boyfriend material kind of voice.

I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes and he stood in front of me with a plate in his hands.I looked at him the back to the food.He brought me dinner what the fuck.Also I'm not in the same room we were at night.I'm back in his bedroom.

"Wow,thank you." I smile at him and he turns around.I take a sip of water before eating my breakfast and follow him down to the kitchen.

He is now all dressed up,wearing white shirt with black jeans.If someone would ask me to show a good example of what hotness in suit looks like I would simply show them Mr.Collins.

He always looks casual but he can pull of every outfit.

"We gotta talk." He said turning around.As he turned around I saw that unreadable look on his face.It was more like a concerned look,he was concerned about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked and I now I'm nervous.Did I do something? He walked to the living room and I followed him and we both sat down,him in front of me.He crossed his legs and didn't look at me.

"Mr. - "

"Please promise me you won't freak out." He said and looked up at me.Now what the fuck is going on?Freak out?About what?

"I promise,now please tell me what you're talking about because this is making me really stressed." I told him telling the truth.

He sighed and looked away for a second then back at me.I don't know what he wants to tell me but he is afraid of my opinion,about my reaction.Whatever he has to say I won't judge him or whatever.

"I have.. a "

"I have a club." He said finally and I smiled at him.Is this really what he was concerned about?That is so cool.I always wanted a club,he is so lucky.

"That is so cool.I always wanted a club too." I tell him happily but the concerned look on his face didn't disappear.

"It's not that kind of club" He said and ran a finger through his silky hair.

"What? What do you mean?"

Not that kind of club?

"I own a bdsm club." He said his eyes meeting mine again.I had to comprehend what he just told me.I'm sorry what?

A fucking bdsm club? I mean I heard about bdsm but I honestly had no clue there were clubs.I never heard about those clubs.This information shocked me,obviously it would shock me.What do you expect me to do?Not be shocked?

My boss owns a bdsm clubs.

"I- I don't know what to say to be honest.This surprised me." I told him and I closed my mouth before the neighbors could see my trachea.

"I know.Take your time,I just wanted you to know.I couldn't keep it a secret anymore." He said and his voice spoke honesty.

He was afraid what I would say.He was afraid how I would react.He cared about me enough to share this.This is a big thing for me and for him as well.

I bet it was hard for him to keep it a secret.Like shit,keeping your own club a secret,just so no one would judge you for what you like or admire..

This is why I hate society.One wrong word and the person's whole life shatters into peaces.I would never judge him for who he really is,I have my own things I want to keep a secret and he has those too.

But he trusted me enough to tell me one of his biggest secret.

"Thank you for telling me this."

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