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Message to our readers

This book holds a very special place in our hearts. The characters and the world that we envisioned perfectly represents the three feelings that destroy a world-love, hatred and trust. Hopefully this book makes you feel the different emotions that we felt while writing it.

Our aim is not solely popularizing our book but touching each of your lovely hearts.

Although, spread the work we are kind of desperate;)


They always say Home is where the heart is, but will it feel like home when many are behind her heart? Having her fate decided by the scriptures, left her only with 2 choices, behold the throne or lead her own path, which one will she choose?


ANTHESIA by Aishwarya Rao & Meghna S Warrier

Copyright © 2021 Aishwarya Rao/Meghna S Warrier

Under section 13 of the Copyright Act 1957, copyright protection is conferred on literary works, dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph films and sound recording."

Cover by ManmitaSingari.

Art work: ManmitaSingari

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· Do not use Maladaptation or slight alterations of a work, such as changing names, copying the events and writing them in your own words, changing character point of views.

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