107 "Maybe next time"

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"We can never let her know the truth", I heard someone speak as I woke up. I was half asleep so I could feel it but I still heard people talking. I opened my eyes to realize that I was in an unfamiliar place. I could see long pillars and a black closeted room which only had 2 grilled windows, which felt a lot like prison to me. I started to panic, where was I? I tried rubbing my eyes to see if it was a dream of any sort, but it wasn't.

"Ma? Brother Z'dion? Is anyone there?", I started yelling as soon as I got up from my bed trying to find my way out. My palms were sweating and fear already won over me. I don't know where I am.

Amidst my fear of not knowing where I was, I heard a sound of the door opening. I instantly looked towards the opposite direction and saw a tall grey-haired man.

"Princess Minaufa!", he spoke as he made his way towards me. I took a few steps back. Who was this man?

"Where am I?", I took courage and spoke as I held onto the nearby vas in my hands.

"Oh dear, put that down now. My name is Valcor, but you can call me Papa Valcor", he spoke as he stretched his arms to take the vas from my hands.

"You are in Agatha, love. I will explain everything to you if you just sit down and calm yourself", he spoke as he offered me his hand. I held on to it and we both sat on the bed.

"Why am I here, sir?" I questioned instantly.

"Your family sent you here dear. You are in the Mansion of Agatha, the dream of many but doesn't come true", he spoke as he smiled. His smile did calm me down but I was still confused as to why my family would send me here.

"My dream is to be with my family, why did they send me here?" I questioned with many thoughts running through my head in that moment.

"Now see, you are a gold blooded child. A very unique one too", he spoke pointing towards my arm. I looked at it and was confused as there was no wound of any sort. I involuntarily closed my palm tightly and I could once again get the feeling I had when I held a sword for the first time. I was then immediately taken back and recalled what had actually happened.

Brother Z'dion gushed me by mistake, but what was even more shocking was when I saw that the dry run blood which was surrounding it was gold in colour.

"What? I- I don't understand. They sent me away?" I asked as I got up in disbelief.

"They did, my child", he spoke as his face no longer had a smile. Mother sent me away? Was I that of sort danger to them? I must be, mother never let me out of her sight, ever. I guess it was because she wanted to protect me.

"Would I never be able to see them again?" I spoke as the fear started to leave my body.

He didn't answer, but I got mine. I had to calm myself and think of what mother would have done in a situation like this. After all these years I found peace in my loneliness but for the first time in forever I questioned, "Am I cursed after all?" and that was a question I didn't quite want an answer to.

"I will leave you alone to process all of this", he spoke with a rather sad smile as he made his way out.

Soon after a woman came in, she looked like someone who works there. She placed a pair of clothing as she spoke, "wear these".

Before I could even converse with her, she made her way out. The hours later were a blur to me. I couldn't actually believe what was happening in front of my eyes and wished that it was all just a bad dream. This would mean that I could not see Mother, brother Z'dion or even Tsar. This wasn't fair, nothing about this was.

"You ready, my child?", Papa Valcor interrupted.

"Ready for?", I asked confused.

"Follow me", he told as he looked at me. I followed him as he showed me around the palace. It was beautiful, but nothing like Alona. The rooms were different and so were the clothing and the accent that they spoke. I knew there was a different language they spoke here, mainly Agathian.

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