111 "Things are not always as they seem to be"

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The once known King of Alona retained the reality of the town which now renounced on him. It affected him tremendously to stand there, watching master Kai, so he made his way towards the ship. Even though Z'dion had forgiven Master Kai, the feeling of betrayal would never leave him and that was something he could not forget. He had no thoughts, feelings or any specific reason to stay, so all he could do was glance at the majestic ship that laid in front of his eyes from a distance. It was only when he saw the one who never fails to make his heart flutter- Tansa, sitting on the same rock he last saw her; he was engrossed. He took courage to walk up to her and spoke,

"You stayed?"

She knew exactly who it was even before looking up to confirm. As she looked at him, her face instantly brightened with a smile of certainty and assurance- as if it was obvious for her to stay even if no one is. They stayed there in silence for a while, unable to take their eyes off each other.

"It's not treasure if its handed", Tansa spoke breaking the pleasant silence.

"I beg your pardon?" Z'dion asked, confusion written all over his face.

"Father always told me that it is not treasure if it's handed. Won't a position like yours be achieved than handed?" she said pointing towards him.

Z'dion was surprised yet somewhat open to a perspective that was negative yet positive. It was real, like her, he thought.

That's when he realized that she enjoyed being around him, not because of his title, but merely because she enjoyed his company. Everyone was obliged to respect their royalty, it wasn't the respect she had for him, but the amount of care that made her be there for him even when he felt like he had lost everyone in his life.

"Father knows best", he spoke, diverting himself from his own thoughts. That somehow made her lips quirk up into a smile flaunting her dimples.

She saw him smiling and she could see a ray of hope in his eyes, that seemed to be lost for a while now. Tansa was seeing herself in him. It felt nice because even after everything fell apart, they didn't.

"Thank you for your kind words, Tansa Benetrhox, there are very few of you left for me", Z'dion spoke taking a few steps closer to her. The smile slowly turned into a frown because he knew that saying goodbye to her was hard, but it was time. As he turned around to walk away from her, he stopped after hearing her laugh. He did not understand what she was laughing at as he didn't make a joke. Either way he was glad that he could hear it one last time.

"Why'd you laugh, is there dirt on my attire?"

Her laughter faded into a smile, "I laughed because you call me yours but say thank you".

Z'dion could not help but let out a laugh out of embarrassment. It was quite funny but knowing the reality, it just did not keep the laughter on their faces for long. So, Z'dion glanced at Tansa one last time and started heading towards the ship trying to lose sight of her; only to realize she was beside him all this while. It was a warm act of kindness or so what he thought. Because as soon as they reached the freighter ship, she climbed before him and lent her hand with a grin plastered on her face,

"Shall we?" and that's when he knew that she intended to stay.

He took the help of her hand and got onto the ship as he looked at her with loss of words.

They sat as the captain asked, "Are we ready your majesty?"

Ignoring him, Z'dion turned to face Tansa,

"What are you doing here?"

Tansa playfully rolled her eyes, trying not to smile, "You ask way too many questions, my lord".

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