103 "Fight for love, Kill for what's yours"

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The King's return put a smile on everyone's face. As his ship came closer to the shore, people's cheers got louder. The ship hit the deck and the king was seen coming out of the front port. His beard had grown out and there were several visible wounds and bruises all over his body. None of this took away the true beauty of the King as he smiled facing the crowd.

"My majesty, did the journey suit you well?" asked chief Arthur as he helped King get down the moving deck.

"Arthur! You have not aged a single day." Exclaimed King out of excitement.

"King, you were missed here" spoke the townspeople as they started crowding him. Children started to gather around the king's legs and started playing with him. He picked one of the townspeople's children and held him whilst he talked to the others. Queen Maia being hesitant, stepped forward from the crowd making herself a little more visible.

"Fancy seeing you here-"

"My queen!" King exclaimed as he moved towards Maia, letting go of the child he was carrying. Her beautiful face was lit up by the smile compared to that of a thousand stars. He put both his palms on her face. He missed everything about her, the way she smiles, the way her hair falls perfectly on her shoulder and her giggles- everything trying to feel her and spoke,

"So, this is real?". The crowd giggled.

As his eyes moved, it laid on the now-grown-prince, Z'dion. He could see both, the running toddler and the gentlemen before his eyes in Z'dion. He was filled with pride looking at his son's muscular posture and the way he carried himself. Interrupting his thoughts, Z'dion spoke,

"Father! How was the sail?". Z'dion asked, hugging King Lazaperth tightly as he was afraid that he would not have been able to see his father again.

"The heat of Agatha was abuse; you've grown quite well Z'dion!" said the king patting Z'dion on the shoulder. The ecstasy in the King's smile was vibrant and was dragged across his face.

Soon after they moved towards the streets, as a Critter Peryton was seen sitting with its mighty wings hugging it. This reminded Lazaperth how much he had missed his home- the smell of the air, his people, the food, fresh water, and most of all his son and beautiful wife- his family. As much as he had loved to travel, he still missed everything about Alona.

As the king came out of the bath, well shaven, his charm was back. Queen Maia couldn't believe her eyes as every time he left, she knew there was a possibility of his no return. Nevertheless, he didn't change a bit. King Lazaperth had the time old habit of painting his voyages down. He wanted the queen and his son to see what the king had experienced during his time there. He sat down on his chair facing the plain white canvas as keeper Auxilia got him the multicolored herbs pasted with milk.

"Is this needed?" Queen Maia spoke as she entered the room.

"I need to paint these down for the future, the people and to you, how else would you see such beauty?" spoke the king as he pulled out the bed chair offering Maia to sit next to him. Maia, who was watching him paint, could only think of the bruises on his arms.

"You need to take care of yourself, that can be done later" spoke queen Maia as she got up to get the healing leaf from the tree branch that was looming inside their room.

"Oh these?" he paused and looked at the bruise on his hand.

"If I would take care of them, how would I get you close to heal me, love?" smirked King.

"So, you are doing me a favor, is it?" said Maia, rubbing the leaf gently on King's skin.

"Of course," spoke the king as he stroked the painted brush on Maia's cheeks. He then looked at the portrait of him and his wife during their marriage as many memories rushed back to him.

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