105 "This stays between us"

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The oldest scripture of Hadus defines not only the history that preceded their lives, but also shows the future of living. The living source has to end some or the other day except for the people in Hadus, it is short lived. However, one day a supernatural being would be born who will be the source of living there after. Some choose to believe the scriptures, while some don't. Would you?


The moment was a haze; the world in front of Z'dion's eyes was spiraling around and the only thought that was constantly purging its way back to him was 'what if Minaufa doesn't make it'. His own thoughts weren't being his friend, where on the other hand, the workers and staff employees gathered as per the Queen's orders.

"Listen very carefully. This stays between us and should not go out. Arthur, prepare a ride and make sure the path is clear till we make sense of this topic. No one can know!" Queen Maia ordered as she and Auxilia started covering Minaufa's wound with a piece of cloth.

Chief Arthur instantly prepared a regular horse ride as flying on a Pegasus could catch attention of the people as to where the royals were heading. None of the members present in that room could afford for the people to know that the princess is a gold blooded child. So, they made their way towards the Alcazar. The door closed behind them as Queen Maia held on to the unconscious Minaufa. Z'dion looked up at the sky and prayed for nothing to happen to his sister before he got on to the cart.

They slowly started making their way out as the treater doesn't live far away from Alona. The main gates opened and the horses went ahead carrying them in the cart but stopped mid-way. Z'dion and Chief Arthur got down to see what actually stopped them from reaching their destination and the reality panicked them. Most of the crowd of Alona was present in front of them. Scared but trying their best to maintain their calm,

"What is the matter? The royals and I have to take off on a voyage right this moment so whatever is going on, can wait" spoke the chief trying to cover the truth.

"No, it can't Chief," one of the women in the crowd ordered.

Queen Maia held Minaufa in her hands and went down to see what the chaos was about. People's whispers got louder as they saw Queen Maia and Princess Minaufa.

"So, it's true?" another said.

"What is?"

"We know it Chief, the word spreads faster here."

Queen Maia started panicking and held Minaufa closer to her, scared and frustrated.

"Look, we don't have time for this. She's in danger and we need to take her to the healer right this moment" Queen Maia pleaded.

"No! No one leaves Alona. It's funny majesty, how your lives are worth more than ours."

"What are you talking about? The Queen would give her own to protect yours" the Chief startled.

"We are talking about our king. We lost so many lives that could've been protected,

and now we have a cursed child too. Before you all know it, the royals eat on our deathbed." Continued the woman as she turned to the public.

"You are one of them, I see. You destroyed our garden- You are an Abhorist." Z'dion stepped forward. That woman was a part of the group that went against everything that the royals had done or even planned on doing, namely Abhorist's. She gave Z'dion the coldest smile because it was clear that they were setting the royals against their crowd.  These people believed that the royals had only cared about themselves and were always putting up an act with the public. But this never stopped the royal family and the members of the parliament from helping and protecting the townspeople.

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