102 "Like Mother, Like Son"

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Map of Anthesia

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Map of Anthesia

The steel clang of the swords could be heard till the corners of the Alcazar. The grunts of Z'dion would shake the ground every time his sword swung. The earliest bronze sword in Hadus that dates back to 400 years, was handed over to prince Z'dion solely at the of age 7. It came as no surprise, considering the rigorous training borne since the prince was a pea by his mother Queen Maia.

Queen Maia taught the prince one of the finest forms of sword fight. Z'dion travelled to Ariam, Tybila and Etestra to learn sword fighting but nothing could beat the mastery of Queen Maia's teaching.

"Ma, is it going to be a full moon tonight?" asked Z'dion as he put his sword down, panting.

"I am sure of it, son. Would you and the guards reach near the walls by twilight?" asked Queen Maia as she paused and continued

"I'll bring meals to last you and the men the night".

The closest bond to ever exist, whirled 'round Z'dion and queen Maia. Z'dion had a soft spot for his mother. Their relationship was at its purest form and was exemplary to people in Alona. Queen Maia would braid Z'dion's long platinum hair every night,

"Ma, let the hair be!" Z'dion would exclaim.

"Your hair should never be a barrier during any battle, my son" She always replied.

Anthesia is said to be the world of illusions. The land that exists in Anthesia was named, Hadus. Prince Z'dion belonged to the royals of the town, Alona in Hadus. The simple life within was seen as a blessing. It was a thing of beauty. The royal family was eternally valued and the women of Alona could always be heard singing on the rocky streets near the shore while the men would cook under the shades for the royals. The children roamed the great halls guilt free as it was welcomed to everyone. It was a place of harmony and unison. As the moon would set, all Wolpertingers would greet the townspeople as they fed them sweetcorn.

The light sun rays would hit the masked clock of desires that was placed on top of the royal palace's wall. Its five symbols represent the true wants of a being i.e., wealth, love, strength, life and family. The drapes would open before the first sun rise and whichever symbol the first sun rays touches, the life of the being is determined that way. However, the drapes of the clock stayed shut ever since the prince was born as the ray fell on the symbol of strength.

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