Chapter 2

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My training went a lot better this afternoon, and I am super pleased with myself.
I was training with Jake again with Nic watching how I defended myself against him and throwing in some pointers when they were needed.

I was smiling so much because I even managed to knock Jake on his ass a couple of times.
I guess my intense training with these two is starting to pay off finally.

The only few times Jake got the upper hand was because I was to aware of Nic's gaze on me, and looking at his face it was definitely not to help with my training.

After a couple of hours we start to walk back to the packhouse as I need to shower for the second time today.

I stop walking when I have an overwhelming sense of uneasiness in my stomach. I couldn't explain it but found myself looking around.
I didn't know what I was looking for but I knew it wasn't good.

Even though I knew we were safe due to our border patrols and the fact that the most powerful Alpha in the world was standing right next to me my stomach was telling me a different story.

"Eden, what's wrong?" Jake said whilst grabbing my shoulders and turning me to face him.
My brother always knew when something was wrong with me as I always did with him. It must be our twin connection or something I thought.

"I don't know, something isn't right I can feel it. Can't you feel it Jake?" But before he could answer Nic had stopped walking and was also by my side, watching me and waiting for answers.

Frown lines were slowly appearing across his forehead before I heard him growl, "What is it Eden?"

"I don't know Nic, I just..." still holding my stomach like if I let go of it I would lose control over it's contents.
"Something doesn't feel right." I say softly, mostly because I was starting to feel a little silly at this moment.

"What do you mean? Are you sick?...Talk to me," he says pushing Jake out of the way to stand in front of me gently placing his hands on either side of my arms and rubbing his thumbs in a soothing circular motion.
"I can't help you if you don't talk to me Eden," grabbing my shoulders now with a bit more force where Jake's hands had been moments ago because I lacked any speech at this moment.

My uneasy feeling had started to subside a little so I was starting to calm down, so I looked up at the handsome face staring at me with worry and anger and knew I had to say something before he starts to lose control.

"It's nothing Nic, I feel better now I swear. Maybe it was the training or I just need to rest for a while."
I have a feeling he doesn't believe me but for whatever reason I was glad when he let it go a little bit.

"You're sure?" still looking at me waiting for confirmation.

"Honestly I'm fine, thank you for caring about me as usual."

A smile formed on his lips "Always," he whispered as I stared into his beautiful forest green eyes and just like that the uneasy feeling slipped away.

I suddenly heard a cough from behind us and realised Jake was still here looking at us both with amusement and wiggling his eyebrows up and down like the idiot he is.

"So as you seem okay now sis and Nic's here and obviously he will look after you I'm off to shower. See you both at dinner."

As he walked off he glanced over his shoulder and shouted "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Oh shut up Jake," I shout back at him but I could feel the smirk on Nic's face behind me.
Could this get anymore embarrassing as I start to walk towards the front door again.

After my shower I went down for dinner.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some pizza, then went into the lounge and jumped on the couch.
I could see Meg was just about to have a drink so I timed it perfectly as she spilled it all over herself.
She screamed rushing to grab some tissue whilst throwing me a sideward glare.
I tried to apologise, I really did but I failed miserably.

"I'm so...haha...rr...haha...y," with tears running down my face.
I really didn't feel sorry at all.

I loved annoying her because it's just so easy to do.

"Yeah sure you are, well I don't except it this time Eden," she snapped.

But I knew I would be forgiven, not because she was one of my best friends but because she doesn't have a bad bone in her body.
After a few minutes my theory was confirmed when she sat back down beside me throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Want a movie night peeps?" looking at everyone.

Looking around the room everyone's heads were nodding in agreement, including my own.
Meg sat down next to me with her arm still slung over my shoulder, asking if we could go clothes shopping tomorrow..because in her words not mine.

"I haven't gone clothes shopping in so long I've literally forgotten what size I am," looking at me with her bottom lip stuck out like a child.

I hate clothes shopping and she knows it but looking at her pouting how could I refuse.
I nod my head at her as she squeals in my ear in happiness.

Jess was sat on the other couch with Jake with a blanket covering their legs.
I couldn't help but think if they would become mates when Jake turns 18 in a couple of weeks.

Spencer came and sat down on the other side of me.
He was our other friend and completed our group. He lives with his parents still and not at the packhouse like the rest of us.
Nic had gone to his office to finish off some pack business, but came back 20 minutes into the action movie we had finally picked to watch and pushed Spencer out of the way to sit down next to me.
I could see the looks from Meg and Jess but ignored them both.

Next day I was being dragged around every clothes shop going.

"Can we please go now? We've been here for hours," I was begging them both to the point I had my hands pressed together in a praying motion.

"In a minute girly," Jess says taking another dress and heading towards the changing room.

"Come on Eden, we need your opinion," Meg shouts through the door of another.

Throwing my hands up in the air in defeat, "Okay fine, but just hurry up will you? I still have to finish my homework. I didn't get chance yesterday."

After falling asleep yesterday and after my second training session I just couldn't be bothered to finish it.

"Yeah, yeah," I hear from both changing rooms.

Why do I bother to even argue.

An hour later we are finally heading home.
As we are getting closer the uneasy feeling in my stomach came back full force.
We were now about 10 minutes away until we were back on our packland and it couldn't come quick enough in my opinion.
I subconsciously start to look around at our surroundings but also trying to act discrete.  I didn't want Jess to panic and swerve off the road.
With Jess driving, Meg sat upfront beside her which left me sitting in the back.
That is fortunate I think to myself as it gives me a chance to slyly look around.
I try to look for anything suspicious.

I look at everyone walking.

I look at the woods as we drive by.

I look at every car.

Wait ...that car. I squint at the car following at a distance behind us.
I'm sure that was the same car I had seen parked close to us when we finished shopping and getting into our own car.
My heart rate picked up slightly and I tried to get better look at the driver, but the car had blacked out windows so it is difficult to see.
It was still following us when our pack border came into sight and I let out sigh of relief.
I watch as the car passes us without hesitation and I slump into my seat as more relief washes over me.

Maybe it was my imagination after all.

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