Chapter 51

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Jake's face when I told him about our powers had the first smile pulling at my lips since we got to this hellish pack.

After seeing him react to the news with shock and in the next minute watching in relief as his eye colour flickered, knowing in that moment the wolfsbane had completely left his body and Luca had returned to him was overwhelming.

Finally Luca could inform Jake on how to handle these powers we've been gifted. Mara had said she wanted to tell me all about it but it hadn't been the time, and by the time she was ready, the battle had already begun and I had already been told by my parents. As weird as that sounds even to my own ears.

By a father I never knew I had and the ghost of my mother after I sacrificed myself for my brother.

I hope Luca can explain quickly because as I scan the battlefield, I can see that we are needed to end this fight.

Rogues are coming from everywhere and I can't seem to grasp why it seems to be so difficult to keep them down.

I realise my father has moved us closer to the side of one of the buildings. It's huge with dark brickwork so it's easy to stay hidden.

My father looks at Jake with the same intensity as he first looked at me with.

Worry, regret and happiness are the three main emotions that I can see flicker across his features.

But it's the reaction of my twin that makes me want to laugh, even in these circumstances, I really wish I could tease him a little.

His eyes widen in horror as our father reaches for him and hugs him tightly. He doesn't move a muscle, and to be honest it doesn't even look like he's breathing for a few moments.

I'm just wondering if I should go and help him because I haven't seen my brother look so out of his depth in a long time. If at all.

But instead of helping him, I watch in complete fascination as Jake slowly raises his arms to reciprocate his father's embrace. Even knowing what power my brother has, I am left dumbfounded as every wound on my father's body heals from his touch.
My eyes never once leaving my father as I watch the miracle unfold in front of my own eyes as each cut, bruise and laceration heals within seconds.

It's not until I hear the gasp of the woman that my father had rescued in the dungeon when we saved Jake, did my attention shift from him.

Jake seems to shocked to say or do anything when he realises our father now stands in front of him healed, not one mark or injury litters his body like it had just moments ago.

The rise of emotions in me at finally seeing the family I always dreamed of standing right in front of me almost brings me to my knees in happiness.

Once the moment between them is broken, Jake walks over to me and stands by my side flinging his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close.
It's then I can see Luca fighting Jake for control, which is something he can't do. But with being a Beta I'm guessing the urge to shift is becoming to powerful to deny.
I reach out and hold his hand that drapes over my shoulder in hopes it will calm Luca down enough to retreat back into Jake's mind.

After a while I can feel Jake's control over his wolf strengthen and I release a sigh of relief.

No matter how much Mara wants to take control to, she knows she can't because it's the touch of the legendary twins in human form that is the only way we can release the power from within.


Her and Luca will help us because they both have the extra strength we will need to pull this off.

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