Chapter 19

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I'm exhausted when I finally look around and see the three other rogues dead on the ground.
Mara has now killed five in total and each of them now laying in a puddle of their own blood, and I can't contain my pride.

I remember how she was able to dodge their attacks and fight them so easily.
It's almost like they weren't fighting her to kill her.

It's strange.

I look around again and my pride for Mara falls in my chest when my eyes land on the sixth body...Gerty's.

I walk over shifting back into my human form before pulling on the clothes I had grabbed and drop to my knees beside her.
Her frail body now cold, I take her hand in mine trying to hold on to the person I felt like I had just found only to lose her moments later.

A lone tear falls from my eye and cascades down my cheek as I run my other hand across my face wiping it away.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts when a hand lands gently on my shoulder.
I jump to my feet ready to fight for the third time tonight.

Hearing a surprised squeal I notice Ana is standing there watching me as her hand falls back to her side.

"Ana..what are you doing out of the safe room?"

She raises her hand again to point to the safe room door and I see Meg and Jess are there too.
They look scared and I don't blame them.
They should be.
They need to be.

"You have helped me Eden. So I thought I could help you." I watch her eyes drift down to where Gerty's body is on the ground." I'm sorry I'm to late but she slammed the door shut after shouting at us to stay inside."

Meg and Jess are now sobbing at the sight of Gerty as they step foot out of the doorway. As in perfect synchronisation they both stop with one foot each suspended in mid air.
Their eyes grow wide and the colour drains from both of their faces.

I look to where they are looking.
Damn it, not again.

How the hell are these rogues getting through our defences?

Something doesn't feel right as a third pair of red eyes come into view.
A sudden chill runs through my body.

There is no way they could get passed Nic, not unless they had help.

Then like a bolt of lightening hitting me from every angle and an overwhelming anger building in me, I realise.

We have a traitor in our pack.

With my anger growing inside of me I look at my two best friends and my new friend with worried eyes.
I know all three can't win a fight against them yet. Meg and Jess haven't celebrated their 18th birthdays yet, so are still waiting for their own shifting process.
As for Ana I have no idea but she has never mentioned her wolf so I'm guessing she also hasn't shifted yet.
Yes they still are strong in human form because of their training but no where near strong enough to take on a rogue wolf.

I think quickly not wanting the rogues that are slowly walking my way to get the upper hand.

I have three choices, One..shift and let Mara fight them again, but knowing she's already fought five I'm not sure how long we would be able to hold them off.
Two..get to the safe room but now risk everyone in there as the rogues now know where it is. Or the decoy and hope the rogues follow me instead.

Third choice it is.

"Ana get to the safe room."

"What..what about you?"

"I'll be fine. Now go." Ana doesn't move as I look back at her and push her towards Meg and Jess. "Go now."

"No, I'm not leaving you out here alone Luna Eden."

"Ana," I warn but my warning is soon gone when Ana changes into her wolf.

Well that answers my question.

A light brown wolf with specks of red in its fur stands by my side.
She is alot smaller then Mara my wolf but Ana's is standing strong. I find it odd though how her human form is shy and timid yet her wolf seems unfazed of the danger.

With Ana not going anywhere I shout back to Meg and Jess to close and lock the safe room door.

They both look at me like I'm crazy.
Maybe I am but I would rather go down fighting out here than in the safe room risking everyone's lives.

They are still standing there frozen to the spot.
Shit, these girls are going to get themselves killed.
With a frustrated sigh I use my Luna voice on them.

"Do not make me say it again."

With tears falling freely down both of their faces the door slams shut and I hear the lock click into place.
Now I know they are safe I can focus on the rogues coming our way.

I glance to Ana and give the nod.
It's only a slight nod but she seems to understand the meaning of it.

Do whatever we have to do to stay alive.

Her wolf nods back and when we hear the rogues growls we know the fight is on.

I swiftly shift and Mara takes control again.
We stand side by side and I see the fleeting shocked looks on the rogues faces.
I'm not sure if it's because of my white wolf or that they think our two wolves will fail in this fight.

Whatever it is. We will not fail. That I do know.

The rogues start to break away from each other. I keep my eyes on all three. One goes to the left as the second goes to the right. The third one stays in the middle but takes a couple of steps forward.
He looks like the leader of these three, as my eyes lock on his.

I know I need to kill him first. There's no doubt about it.

Nic's words come rushing back to me.
'If you find the leader always kill them first. The others are just followers and without a leader the rest are useless.'

So with my eyes locked on him I make my move.

Mara jumps to the right as if going for that rogue. It momentarily confuses the leader enough for Mara to shift her paws and go bounding into his wolf.
Knocking him over and biting down on his neck until I hear the loud and satisfying crack of his neck.

Well that was easier than I thought it was going to be.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain run through my shoulder. I gasp as I see blood drop to the ground by my feet.
I turn quickly before the rogue can take another bite at me.
Blood drips from its mouth as his tongue flicks out over it's lips licking my blood away.

We start to circle each other as I hear Ana fighting off the other one.

I can't take my eyes away from the rogue wolf in front of me. Then it hits me. This is the leader of the three.
I can't believe it.
I was tricked.

As the realisation sinks in I'm sure I can see the smirk on his face knowing I've just worked out their plan.

I bend down low preparing to attack, when I see a flash of white come hurtling out of the woods.

My relief is evident when I see him.

My twin.

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