Chapter 24

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I watch as Shadow closes the distance between us as he takes slow and steady predatory steps towards me.
Each step thuds deeply in the dirt as each massive paw hits the ground.
His eyes firmly glued on his target.

A chill runs through me at the way he looks at me so intensely but also sets my body on fire as I watch my mate slowly step closer.
I can feel Mara's heart rate pick up and I suddenly realise that both of our wolves haven't had a chance to fully bond yet.

Mara is a strong wolf. I know this already with how she handled the rogues tonight.
But handling her mate is a whole different experience.

I hear her start to whimper. Not in the weak type of way.
More like the 'I want you now Shadow' type of way.

I know exactly how she's feeling when I see Nic.
He does something to me that only a mate can do.
My vision only sees him. Nothing around us is seen, heard or felt.

Only each other. Our own little bubble.

Shadow is standing right in front of us now. His towering body overshadowing ours.
Mara lifts her head up to look at him and even though the anger still swims around in his eyes like a whirlpool, the lust in them is starting to become the more prominent emotion.

She let's out a lustful growl, which to my own ears sounds so needy but I can't help but stifle a giggle.

How she's changed since our mate turned up makes me want to laugh out loud.

Gone is the strong, powerful wolf she showed me earlier. To now a mushy, submissive puppy.

Not that I can blame her.

Shadow is in a league of his own. He's a huge black wolf which radiates strength and power.
Everything about him outshines everything else in comparison.

Coughing in Mara's head to get her attention, I tell her to bond with Shadow but not to be to long. I know that sounds mean but we still have a lot of stuff to do and I still have to find Jake and Ana.

I'm not going to lie but I am worried that they never found me and that I haven't been able to mindlink with them.

Something tells me this is not a good sign and we need to find them as soon as possible.

I slip in to the back of my mind but not before I hear Nic's rough voice in my head, 'Eden once our wolves have bonded, we will discuss what happened tonight.'

Gulping down my nerves at his tone, I agree. 'Okay, but give me a chance to explain before you kick off. Promise me Nic.'

'I try. That's the best answer you're going to get from me.'

Taking a deep breath I retreat in to my mind and wait.


After a little longer than I had anticipated Mara and Shadow are now fully bonded too.

I can feel the shift within myself.

I feel stronger some how. Almost like our strength has become one.

We have both become one.

It isn't long before Shadow shifts and I see Nic standing there completely naked and completely unfazed in front of me.
My eyes never leave him as he walks over to a nearby tree and grabs some clothes, chucking on a pair of shorts and a white t - shirt that I can't help but stare at as his perfectly defined abs pertrude through the soft fabric.

Whilst I've been staring at my mate like a love sick puppy, he has already placed some clothes for me on the ground.

"Shift," he orders.

Nic's already mad at me, that I can see. So I do without hesitation.

I shift quickly back in to my human form as a subtle pink blush creeps all over my body when I watch Nic's gaze sweep over me without shame.

Bending down as graceful as I can be, I pick up the clothes he had placed on the ground and pull them on.
It's just a simple sports top and leggings, so I manage to dress quickly.

Nic watches my every move and I see his fists clenching. It's almost like he wants to touch me but is still to mad to do so.

Straightening my back and swallowing my nerves, I raise my head to look in to his eyes.
This is normally a challenging act against an Alpha by anyone else and they would be dead before their eyes left his, but for me it's an understanding that we are equals.

"So are you going to explain to me why you haven't been in the safe room all night. Or have I got to guess?"

I'm starting to get mad now too. His tone is accusing and I don't like it at all.
Yes I know I'm not in the safe room. I know I could have be harmed. But I'm not any of those things and all I want is to be wrapped up in his arms where I belong.

But that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.

"Fine, you want to know, then here goes. I made it to the safe room but I got attacked. I refused to endanger our pack members Nic just because you wanted me safe." I'm on a roll now as Nic just stands there staring at me, not saying a word.
"I told them to close the door. To protect them. I am the Luna Nic, the Luna, do you know what that responsibility means?" Still he just stands there watching me rant.
"It means I care enough to protect the pack and lay my life down for them."

A deep growl comes from Nic's throat but before he can say anything I hold up my hand stopping him.

"Gerty came out to help me. Of all people it was Gerty. I didn't know who she was until it was to late." I whisper.

Nic's expression softens as I say that. "What do you mean, you didn't know who she was?"

"That she was my grandmother." I fall to my knees with tears running down my cheeks. "She saved me by sacrificing herself." I sob.

My face is in my hands as I cry harder. Remembering all that's happened tonight is now to overwhelming.

Within seconds I feel the warm embrace of my mates arms around me. Sparks flicker at my skin under his touch as he holds me tight against his body.
One of his hands gently pushing through my hair in a soothing way as his soft lips touch his mark on my neck.

"I'm sorry my love." He whispers in my ear as I hold him tighter to me.

After a while of him just holding me, my tears finally stop.
I raise my head from his chest and the anger in his eyes has gone. All I see is his love for me and in that moment I know that he was never actually angry with me, he was just worried for me.

I lift up on my toes and bring my lips to his and kiss him with everything I have before we break away suddenly after hearing a branch break behind us.

Nic grabs my arm and drags me behind him. As he keeps one hand on my arm, his eyes scan everywhere.
I make a move to stand next to him but he holds me in place behind him. His eyes stop on on a small clearing in the trees and as my eyes focus I can see a figure coming towards us.

I know who this is. Since being here on my own waiting for Jake and Ana to arrive, I have been thinking about what Gerty had said to me.

As I expected the gigantic wolf from earlier who helped us escape walks out of the darkness. He's still as scary looking as the first time I saw him but now I know he won't hurt me, I don't feel frightened.

Nic's grasp on my arm loosens and I know he's getting ready to shift.

He thinks it's a threat.

He thinks I'm in danger.

But I'm not.

And as I realise I'm right in what I'm thinking the words come out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"Nic stop. He won't hurt us."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because he's my father."

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