Chapter 41

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'Where is my brother?... Dad!'

That's the last thing I said before I hear Jasper's voice again.

'I'm sorry Eden. Please let me explain and then you'll realise that everything I've done was to protect you and Jake.'

A bitter laugh escapes me, 'How many times do I have to hear you say sorry, huh? Do you know what, I've only spoken to you twice and you've already had to apologise to me both times. What makes you think I will forgive you so easily?'

'Because I can get Jake back for you, but I need your help.'

'And why should I trust you?'

'Because I've never lied to you Eden. I might have done things I'm not proud of, but everything I've ever done was to protect you both. Please let me show you that you can trust me.'

Oh my goddess what am I doing. Nic's going to kill me himself when he finds out, 'Fine. Where and when?'

'How about now? I'm on the East border, there aren't as many patrols here. You should be able to sneak here without being seen.'

'I'll be there soon. But I can't go over the border otherwise Nic will know.'

'I know, and Eden, thank you.'

'Don't thank me just yet. The second you break my trust again then I'll kill you myself, you have my word...Dad!'

I hear him chuckle through the link. Here I am trying to control my temper and he chuckles, like actually chuckles.

'You sound just like your mother, she could be quite feisty too.'

And just like that he closes the link between us.

I'll give him feisty, he has no idea how feisty I can be, but he's about to find out as I storm through the woods heading to the East border.

I'm half way there when it hits me that I'm supposed to be in stealth mode, I know as soon as patrol notices me then they will automatically link their Alpha, which also happens to be my over protective mate that absolutely hates my father right now.

So swallowing down my anger but thanking my wolf Mara for reminding me to close off my emotions to Nic so he has no idea how angry I am, I tread carefully over the fallen trees and broken branches on the ground.

I heighten my senses for any patrols that maybe near and sniff the air for any scents.
Luckily I can't hear or smell anyone. So far so good.

As I edge closer to our pack border Jasper links me again, 'Where are you?'

'I'm just reaching the border now. There is a tree with red berries, for some reason it's the only one that grew on our pack lands, I'll wait for you there. Don't be long though because as soon as Nic knows I'm here he will come for me.'

'That's what I'm counting on daughter of mine. I'll find the tree and be with you soon.'

What does he mean by that?

I lean on the tree waiting for Jasper to get here and also using my heightened senses to keep checking the area for patrols.
I must have been here for about five minutes when I hear a crunching of a branch in front of me.
Standing up properly and glance in the direction of the noise. I need to make sure it's Jasper so I hide behind the tree and peep out.

A shadow appears from the trees and I can now make out that it is indeed my so called father. My over active mind slows as does my racing heart when I realise I haven't been caught.

Looking over to my father, it gives me peace of mind knowing he can't step foot on our pack lands without Nic knowing.
So as we stare at each other from either side of the border I wait for what he has to say.
I can see the regret and hurt in his eyes as he watches me, and it's enough for me to break the silence between us.

"Where's Jake?"

"Straight to the point. You get that from me you know."

"Oh really? Because it doesn't seem that way to me. I've been standing here for the last few minutes and you haven't said a word."

Jasper smiles and in that moment it's like I'm seeing an older version of Jake. It's the strangest feeling but one that for some weird instant makes me trust him.
I can't explain why but I do. I just do.

Jasper takes a deep steadying breath and releases it as he starts to speak, "Jake is at the rogues pack, about half an hours run from here, give or take. Logan threw him in the dungeon which is underground and only has certain members guarding it. I tried to help him escape but Logan found out before I could get Jake out."

"So you left him there?" I can't believe what I'm hearing. He left his own son with the enemy.

"I had to. Don't you get it yet, Logan wants you and Jake for your powers. Once he knows how to release them he can destroy every single pack with a click of his fingers. That means he will kill me with no hesitation. I'm no use to him anymore. But he can't kill Jake or you, he can harm Jake like I'm sure you have felt but he can't kill him."

Rembering the pain Jake's been dealing with hits me hard and I take a step back without realising. I turn around needing time to process when Jasper speaks again.

"Eden, look, I know this is hard for you and I understand that being away from Jake for this long is getting more and more difficult. But you have to trust in what I'm about to say to you. Please."

'Mara, do you think we should trust him completely?' I ask my wolf. If anyone will know it will be her.

'I have no reason not to. Our wolves are connected through a family bond Eden, even though the bond isn't overly strong I can tell he speaks the truth. I can feel his wolf's love for you and Jake. All I can say is trust him.'

'Okay, but what about Nic. When he finds out about this meeting he's going to be really mad.'

'Don't worry about our mate, he might need a bit more persuading than you but he will understand in the end.'

With that Mara disappears in to the back of my mind leaving me alone.

I turn around facing my father again, "Okay I trust you. So how do we go about getting Jake and Ana back?"

Jasper looks directly at me before he says the words that I almost have to ask him to repeat.

"We need to get your mate here."

"Pardon, did I just here you right?"

"Yes you did, if we are getting Jake and your friend back then we need your mate and your pack. Dominic is the strongest Alpha I've ever known and believe me when I say I've known a few over the years."

"Okay, but just so you know he might try and kill you when he sees you here."

The hint of a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth, "Well, we'll soon see won't we." And with that and before I can do anything he steps over the border next to me.

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