Chapter 52

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I could sense the shift in energy before I had even felt it.
It was quick and strong and I could almost hear the crackling of power through the air.

My mind automatically went to Eden and Jake, until the overwhelming sense of devastation hit me hard in the chest again, that she was gone.

Mine and Shadow's rage turned our vision into a never ending tunnel as our eyes focused solely on the one person that started all of this and the reason why I lost her.

Logan's wolf is standing in the middle of what I can only describe as a protective circle of rogues, allowing his followers to fight his battle for him. The snarls from them is loud but Shadow's is fucking louder.
Saliva drips from each rogue wolf's mouth as they stare at me and my Dad, each spreading their stance ready to lunge as and when we decide to attack again.
The pure hatred I have for this person in front of me is enough for me to lose enough control that I don't even think I will need my Dad here to help me.

Logan is nothing but a fucking coward, and I'm his reaper. He thought he could take my mate away from me and get away with it, then he will pay the ultimate price.


Death will always come to anyone that threatens me, my family or my pack, and Logan has done all three.
There will be no mercy for him and I can feel Shadow silently agreeing with me.

Another burst of energy hits the air, as my Dad slowly nods his head my way. He can feel it aswell and that's enough for me to know this fight has to come to an end.

This is it.

The finale.

It's time to end this now.

As Shadow nods back to my Dad's wolf, it's almost like an agreement is passed between us.

Alpha to Alpha.

Father to son.

He's here and we will win. I never doubted it, even with Shadow slightly weakened by his mates death. We are still strong enough together to kill and destroy everything and anyone that gets in our way.

Luckily my Dad and me are formiddable fighters, being the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack he was the strongest person I knew and apart from my mother the only one I respected. He made sure to train me personally when I was young and only stepped down from that roll when I finally came of age and went to Alpha school. There I trained with professionals, but they were nothing compared to my Dad. Of course I managed to kick all their ass's there. I was just to good at it, nobody could beat me there and nobody will beat me here.

Shadow crouches down low, and in this moment I realised how things will forever be different. I could feel my heart break just that little bit more, but it also fueled me with the hatred, violence and revenge that had been swimming through my veins since Eden was killed, and with that Shadow leaps straight into the crowd of rogues like they were pins in a bowling alley.

My Dad's wolf not far behind me but I couldn't concentrate on him. I had a score to settle as I tear through every rogue that gets in my way.

We'd been at it for what felt like ages but I'm pretty sure it was only a matter of minutes when I finally get to Logan. Shadow never faultering in his steps towards him, even when Logan shifted back to human form laughing. Shadow saw his target and nothing was going to stop him from reaching it.

Each paw he put down was slow and precise as he edged forward with cruel intent.

I should have known something was wrong though when Logan started laughing but it took me a whole second, a whole fucking second to long to realise the trouble I was in when a figure floated to Logan's side.

The Legendary Twins Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon