Chapter 12

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I manage to get my mate and my best friend to the woods without any interruptions.
Which is a good thing because I had no intention on stopping for anyone right now.

I have no idea how we managed it though, considering I was carrying Eden in my arms because she was in so much pain and poor Jake trying to keep up behind us, even though he was in a lot of pain as well.
He actually managed quite well.

I was impressed.

I can sense their shifting process is going to be a lot quicker than I first thought.
It surprises me as I think back to my own a month ago.
It took me a couple of hours to complete the shifting process fully, and I'm an Alpha.
How is it even possible that Eden and Jake's shifting process is taking half the time of mine.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I realise Eden hasn't screamed in my ear in the last few minutes, so I glance down at her in my arms while still running to the shifting spot in the middle of the woods that surrounds our pack.

I smile weakly to myself when I see that she's holding Jake's hand over my shoulder. Realising that's why she has calmed down.
I feel good knowing that they have always been able to help each other growing up, either doing some twin telepathy shit or soothing each other when in pain, like they're doing now.
But I can't help the angry feeling building up inside of me knowing my beautiful mate has only calmed down because of her brother and not the fact of our mate bond, even though I'm holding her so close to my body.

I have to keep reminding myself that she hasn't shifted properly yet so the mate bond is still weak. I keep repeating the same thing in my mind trying to help myself calm down too.

Shaking those thoughts away as we near the shifting spot. It takes everything in me to place Eden on the ground and step away from her.

I watch as Jake falls to his knees by her side still clutching her hand tightly.

I know it's ridiculous to get jealous over it but I can't help it.
The possessive Alpha in me is just holding on by a thread only because Jake is her brother.
If he wasn't then Shadow would have broken free by now.

Swallowing down my own issues I focus on the task and try to do my Alpha duties.
Saying a few words hoping to help comfort the two people I care about the most.

I don't get much of a chance as I watch wide eyed as they both shift into their wolves.
First to shift is Jake. I always thought he would be the older twin as he's so protective of his sister.
I only manage to glimpse his wolf quickly before Eden shifts in the next minute.

I can't take my eyes off of Eden's wolf form.
The most stunning white wolf proudly stands in front of me and all I want to do is run to her.
I'm awe struck at her beauty even though she's facing away from me, I can't stop looking at her.
Shadow starts to push forward to claim his mate, but I stand strong still watching and waiting for her to realise my month long secret in her own time, even though it's killing me right now.

I keep watching, I just can't find it in me to look away, when I see her walk slowly over to the small stream flowing through our forest.
I'm momentarily confused on what she's doing until she leans over the water to what I assume is to see her reflection.
Smiling I notice she has a black spot on her right ear. It's the only bit of colour her wolf coat has.
She is still looking at herself so I take the opportunity to glance at Jake's wolf now.
I'm shocked to see he also has a white wolf but I hold back a laugh not wanting to ruin their moment when I see he also has a black spot but on his left ear.
Even their wolves are like twins.

Jake nips Eden's leg gently getting her attention. She looks up at him but seems startled.

Why is she startled?

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