Chapter Eight

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Scar led Zira back to the cave in silence. He was still trying to think through everything, and he needed a little bit of peace and quiet. Meanwhile Zira was practically strutting just behind him, her eyes glowing with pride.
Mufasa and Sarabi were following a little farther behind, their voices quiet with concern. They were willing to trust Scar and Zira... but only to an extent.

When they were almost to Pride Rock Scar turned and glared at his brother.
"We would enjoy a little time alone, your majesty."
Mufasa bristled a little, his eyes warily inspecting the sneaky pair.
"I don't think that is a good idea, Brother. I think I should stay..."
Zira's mood seemed to turn immediately from joyful and proud to hostile and vicious.
She snarled at him, her ears pinned back against her head.
"Leave us alone! Why can't you give us any respect?!"
Sarabi moved in front of Mufasa and snarled back at Zira, her teeth bared and her claws unsheathed.
"Don't you dare talk to him like that! Can't you see that he's going against everything he thinks is right?! You don't deserve any trust or respect!"
Scar and Mufasa both watched their mates in shock. The females had never particularly liked one another, but they had never been so bitter and hostile with each other, either.
Mufasa walked up and nudged Sarabi to the side. She relaxed somewhat but she still kept her eyes on Zira.
Mufasa turned back to his brother.
"Don't let her out of your sight. If you do I won't hesitate to exile you, too."
Scar nodded reluctantly.
Zira seemed ecstatic but Sarabi, on the other hand, was furious.
Mufasa could sense her anger but he figured he could deal with that after the situation with Zira was finished.
"I'll meet you at the peak of Pride Rock," he muttered to Sarabi.
She gave him a hesitant glance but he urged her to go. She sighed and walked off on her own.
Mufasa kept his eyes on the pair, his head high and proud.
"If you do anything to break my trust, you will pay for it. I can promise you that."
With those final words he went off in the same direction as Sarabi, his muscular body moving with a certain grace and dignity.
Scar glared after him, his eyes burning with rage.
"You will pay for it... Please!" he snarled under his breath, "He would never hurt me! He wouldn't even hurt a fly!"
Zira cleared her throat and Scar flinched slightly.
"I forgot you were there for a moment."
"Of course you did."
He looked at Zira closely, his eyes narrowed.
"What do you mean by that?"
Zira looked at the sky and sighed.
"Forget it. I guess nothing has changed for you."
"What do you mean? Everything has changed now that you're back! And now that..."
Scar closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he continued.
"Now that you are pregnant."
Zira's mouth twitched up into a delighted smile.
"Isn't it wonderful? An heir, Scar! We can raise him as a king and give him everything that we never had! Well, if the cub is a male... but I'm certain that he will be!"
Zira was practically bursting with joy but Scar couldn't shake off a nagging feeling.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Zira stared at him, suddenly caught off guard.
"Why did you not tell me until now?"
She stared at him as if in shock.
"Because you didn't want me."
He stared back at her, his mouth opening slightly.
They watched each other silently for a few moments before Scar spoke up.
"How could you possibly think that?"
His voice was barely a whisper and his eyes gleamed.
Zira closed her eyes and hung her head.
"I don't know, Scar. I've... I've just been so lost. I hate to admit it but... I... I..."
"Love you."
He couldn't keep the words from slipping out. Something deep inside of him urged him to say more, but he wasn't sure if he could.
Zira watched him carefully and he returned her cautious gaze.
"What did you say?"
"What do you think I said?"
Zira smirked and looked away.
"You couldn't have possibly said what I thought you said. I would be a fool to think that you would say something like that to me."
"Well, what if I told you that what you heard was exactly what I said."
Zira laughed lightheartedly.
"I would say you're insane."
Scar smirked.
"More insane than usual?"
Zira walked forward and nuzzled his mane. Scar nuzzled the top of her head and growled softly in her ear.
"I love you, Zira."
She smiled.
"I love you, too. I always have, Scar."
They stayed together for a while until Scar began to pull away.
Zira protested with a quiet growl but Scar just smiled at her.
"Go back to the cave for a little while. I'll be back with a meal for you and our cub soon enough."
Zira nodded and began to walk back towards Pride Rock.
Then she stopped.
"Wait. What about Mufasa's order?"
She turned back to look at him but he just laughed.
"Since when have we followed orders?"
Zira's mouth twitched up at the corners and she laughed too. Then she turned back to Pride Rock.
"Be careful, Scar."
"I will be. Don't you worry about me."
With that he crept into the long grasses of the plains, careful to avoid the scrutiny of his brother on the peak of Pride Rock.
Zira took the hint and ducked into the lush grasses, her slim body snaking stealthily through the blades and towards the back of Pride Rock.

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