Chapter Forty-Four

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Sarabi licked the blood off of her mouth and savored the taste. Scar didn't need to know she had taken more than her fill. She deserved the meat, if she were to go prancing around on his little errands.
She picked up a thick haunch of the cape buffalo her party had taken down. She flicked her ear over at Sarafina, who took up the other side of the haunch obligingly.
They walked back towards Pride Rock with the haunch in between them and the rest of the party following silently behind.
As they neared the peak of Pride Rock, the group separated into two. Sarabi and Sarafina went around the back way, in the direction of Scar's cave. The rest of the lionesses went to the main cave to take a short nap after the hunt.
Sarabi and Sarafina climbed up to Scar's cave and the former queen set her side of the haunch down gently.
"Scar!" she called, "We have your food. It's out here, if you want it."
She started to turn away when she heard someone clear their throat behind her.
She turned, impatience clear on her face. Then she stared.
Kito stood at the cave entrance. The left half of his face was covered in a sticky paste, but Sarabi's eyes were immediately drawn to the deep scratches in his cheek.
Then suddenly her face hardened, and her eyes burned with rage.
"Who did this to you? Was it your father?" she hissed.
He shook his head.
"There was an intruder at the border. I fought him off."
Sarabi blinked at him for a moment before looking away.
That could've been our chance...
She tried to hide her disappointment as she looked back at him.
"Does it hurt?" she asked. She knew it was a silly question, but she didn't know what else to say.
He nodded hesitantly. Behind his tough exterior, Sarabi could still see the vulnerable cub searching for safety.
She took a step forward to comfort him, but then she saw a shadow appear from the depths of the cave.
Scar stood next to his son and smirked at the two lionesses before him.
"Admiring my son's trophy scratches, I see. Personally I think it suits him. It makes him look more like his father," he said smugly.
Sarabi glared at him in disgust.
"You shouldn't be proud that you're son got hurt. You're parenting skills are almost nonexistent. I'm just glad Kito had others to take care of him in your place when he was young."
Scar's smirk grew until it was wickedly crooked.
"Well, at least I kept my child alive."
His words cut Sarabi like the sharpest of claws. It took everything in her not to attack him.
"Besides," he growled, "I'll have another chance to fix a few things with a new cub on the way."
Sarabi's jaw dropped.
No. It can't be possible. Kito has to be their last.
Scar chuckled darkly to himself at the lioness's shock.
Suddenly Sarafina spoke up.
"How far along is she?"
Everyone looked at Scar anxiously.
He paused and cleared his throat.
"I'm not certain. Perhaps a month. She'll be due around the time Kito reaches his third year," he said thoughtfully. Suddenly he grinned at his son.
"Then hopefully our bloodline can be continued."
The young lion looked away and growled quietly to himself.
"Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Sarabi asked desperately.
Scar's lip twitched and his grin vanished.
"I think I would know if my mate was pregnant."
Sarabi narrowed her eyes and a small, sly grin appeared on her face.
"You didn't know before," she teased.
Scar's muscles stiffened and he stole a side glance at his son.
"Circumstances were different. I could not see Zira because of her exile."
"That never stopped you, obviously," Sarabi muttered.
Scar bared his teeth and took a step towards her.
"Get out of my sight. You've done your duty, so go," he growled.
Sarabi lifted her head high and gestured to Sarafina with a flick of her ear. Then the two lionesses were off without another word.
Scar muttered something to himself and disappeared back into the cave, leaving Kito to stand silently outside. 

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