Chapter One

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Scar paced back and forth across the cave, his brow furrowed and his lips drawn back over his teeth.
"That little hair ball is going to take my place as King!" he snarled, "Why am I always taken for granted?!"
Zira sat by the entrance to the cave, her eyes dull and expressionless as she inspected her claws.
"I guess we're not going to the presentation of Simba then?"
she asked sarcastically.
Scar stopped pacing and glared at her.
"No, we're not. I would appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut, my dear. You have a habit of talking out of turn, you know."
She huffed and turned back to her claws.
"At least I don't get all bristled up over nothing. He's just a little cub, Scar. He can easily be dealt with."
"But then my brother will just have another cub. Don't you see the dilemma here?" he exclaimed smugly, as if this information were completely obvious to everyone.
"Then challenge Mufasa."
"You know I can't do that."
"Why not?" she growled.
"Because..." Scar hesitated as Zira looked to him for an answer. Then an idea popped into his head.
"Because it's too simple. I already have a plan in mind, you see, and it's much more diabolical and complex than just defeating my brother in a fight."
Zira lifted an eyebrow.
"Oh? Then what is this plan, my love?"
She stood up and walked over to him. She walked under his head and rubbed her body against his chin.
"I'll use the hyenas' help. They will kill Simba first and then... Mufasa."
Zira's eyes glowed and she turned around to lick his cheek.
"How will they go about this?"she murmured.
"That's for me to know and you to find out," he whispered.
She smirked and tugged playfully at his ear.
"You can't give me one little detail?"
He grinned and nudged her away.
She sat down in front of him, unwilling to budge.
"I'm not going to move until I get what I want," she said slyly.
"Then just sit there," he teased.
He turned away and she leapt onto his back. She leaned close to his ear, her breath tickling the side of his face.
"Like I would ever do that."
Scar chuckled to himself and rolled onto his back, tossing her off.
"Patience is a virtue," he growled.
She laid on the floor and watched him with narrowed eyes. He stared back at her, unyielding.
"It's only tonight Zira. Maybe tomorrow I'll be a little less tired."
She groaned and rolled onto her back.
"Fine, Scar. Just leave me to rot. I don't mind at all," she growled sarcastically.
Before Scar could respond she got up and walked out of the cave, her tail swishing back and forth angrily.
Scar rolled onto his side and put a paw over his face.
"Females," he groaned.

Scar x Zira: The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now