Chapter Thirty-Two

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Sarabi climbed up onto Pride Rock and padded across the cool overhang towards the main den. Night was falling, and her body ached for a long sleep.
Her ears swiveled as she heard a soft noise coming from nearby. It sounded like crying.
She moved towards the noise only to find Kito curled up next to a rock, tears streaming from his tightly closed eyes. She took another step towards him and he opened his eyes. Then he put his paws over his face to hide his tears.
"Please go," he sniffed, "I don't want you to get in another fight with my parents."
He rolled over to face the rock, but Sarabi pulled him close with one of her paws. He flinched at first, but then he relaxed as he felt the soft, gentle warmth of her leg against his fur.
"Where are your parents?" she asked.
"In their den," he muttered, "they don't even know that I left. My father was busy giving orders to the hyenas."
Sarabi listened carefully and kept him close to her. It felt nice to hold a cub again.
"What was he telling them to do?"
Fresh tears streamed down Kito's face again and he whimpered quietly.
"He wanted them to kill one of our subjects just because they didn't act like he was King. I told him that he shouldn't, but he's going through with it anyway."
He sobbed into her leg and she stroked his back with her paw.
"It's okay... it's going to be okay," she cooed.
Kito sniffed and looked back up at her with his dazzling green eyes. She smiled back down at him with a motherly gaze.
"Why don't I tell you a story? I can teach you a little lesson, if you want."
His ears flattened at the word "lesson".
"I don't want to learn another lesson. I still have a few scrapes from the last one I had with mother," he growled.
Sarabi looked down at him sympathetically.
"This lesson won't hurt you. Here, follow me."
She stood up and walked towards the peak of Pride Rock. The stars were shining bright, and a sliver of the moon shone white among them. She looked behind her to see if he was following, and she was relieved to see that he was. She sat on the edge of Pride Rock and stared in awe at the savanna stretching below her bathed in starlight. She felt a gentle breeze caress her face, and she knew that Mufasa was there, too.
Kito plopped down next to her and looked out over the familiar landscape.
"Do you see those stars, Kito?"
He nodded.
"Those are the Kings of the Past, watching over us from above. They are always there to guide us when we need help."
Kito stared up at the unblinking stars and wondered who was watching him now.
"Is the other King watching us? The one that died in the stampede?"
Sarabi wondered how he knew of Mufasa. He must of heard his story from Nala.
She nodded as another breeze swept over them, tousling Kito's fluffy black mane.
"Mufasa is one of the many Kings watching over us. He was my mate, and he was also your uncle," she said.
Kito's eyes widened and he looked up at her suddenly.
"My uncle?"
"Yes. He was your father's brother."
Kito blinked up at her, and then he looked at the stars.
"Then why did my father yell at me when I mentioned his name?"
She shook her head and looked at the sky.
"Your uncle and your father were never close when they reached adulthood. They were inseparable as cubs, but then Mufasa was chosen as King. He was the oldest, after all."
Kito nodded as he kept staring at the stars. He swore that he could make out a face within those glowing dots. Maybe it was Mufasa watching over them.
"And because Mufasa was taught how to be King, Scar never truly learned about the Circle of Life. That, or he didn't really care."
"What is the Circle of Life?" Kito asked.
Sarabi smiled again and looked out over the plains of golden grass and slumbering animals.
"To put it simply, we are all connected in the Pridelands. Every animal lives in a delicate balance, and a King must learn to respect that balance. He must respect all creatures- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope..."
"But don't we eat the antelope?" he asked.
Sarabi chuckled to herself.
"Yes, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. So we are all connected in the Circle of Life."
Kito looked up into her face and smiled.
She's really nice and very wise. Why don't my parents like her?
Sarabi gently put a paw on his back and a realization hit him.
"So, you would be my aunt then, right?" he asked.
A thoughtful expression passed over Sarabi's face and she was silent for a moment. Then she grinned and pulled him into a gentle hug.
"Yes, I suppose I am," she whispered.
He giggled and wriggled out from under her paw.
"We need to hang out more, then."
"I'd like that," she said.
Suddenly they heard Zira calling out for Kito, and he gave her a panicked look.
"I don't want you to get in trouble," he said.
A frown appeared on her soft face and she glanced over at where Zira's voice was coming from.
"Don't worry. I can handle your mother. Besides, we're not doing anything wrong. I'll just return you to her since you were wandering about on your own."
She winked at him and started padding over towards Zira. Zira appeared on the side of Pride Rock, and as soon as she saw Sarabi she bared her teeth.
"What are you..."
"I'm returning your son," Sarabi said flatly, nodding her head towards Kito.
Zira glared at her as she walked past towards Kito. She nudged him roughly forward and he started to walk towards the back of Pride Rock. He took one last look at Sarabi before he disappeared with Zira around the corner.
Sarabi stood there for a while, thinking about the young, innocent cub.
He might just have a chance. I see hope in those eyes... and we're going to need all the hope we can get.
She turned back towards the main den and crept silently into the comforting darkness.

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