Chapter Sixteen

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Scar stretched and blinked his eyes after a leisurely nap in the shade.
Acting like he actually cared for his nephew's safety was truly exhausting. Luckily he didn't need to keep up the act for much longer... well, if everything went according to plan, that is.
He looked at the sun's shadow on the plains and realized that he should probably check to see if the rest of the plan was underway.
He walked off of the rock ledge and leapt down into the grass, making sure to stay quiet so as not to draw any unwanted attention.
He started at a steady trot, his skinny body tucked low to the ground to hide him in the brush.
I just need to get there quickly and quietly... if anyone notices me I'll just say I was hunting...

He felt his body relax slightly as he saw the grass fading into hard slabs of rock. Bones stuck out of patches of dirt here and there as he trotted closer and closer to the graveyard. He slowed to a stop when he saw the large skeletons in the distance and he wondered if the job had already been done.
Maybe I should stay hidden and watch for the hyenas, just to make sure that Simba is truly dead...
He knew the perfect hiding spot. He worked his way towards the graveyard, but instead of taking the main route he took a path that skirted around the edges.
His paws landed silently on the rock and bone as he edged around the main part of the graveyard. Soon he could smell the hyenas and he could hear them barking and growling at something. Then he heard a scream, but it wasn't his nephew. It had to be another cub.
He walked at a brisk pace until he finally got to where he wanted to be.
It was a wide ledge that was surrounded by tall walls of rock. It ended abruptly and formed a dead end to a short path that went between the huge rock walls.
He hunkered down and waited as the sounds grew louder and louder.
He began to wonder if the ledge was high enough so that no one would accidentally see him or leap into him.
He backed away from the ledge just enough so that he could only see anything beyond the entrance to the small enclosed area.
The growls and barks got closer and closer until he could hear heavy breathing and paws scrabbling against the rock.
He saw Simba and a small female cub that looked somewhat familiar race into the enclosed area. They disappeared from his view, but he didn't dare edge any closer to get a better look. If he did, he might be spotted.
Then again, what does it really matter? They'll be dead in a matter of moments anyhow. It doesn't matter if they see me before they die.
He edged closer to the end of the ledge. He could hear their desperate paws on the rock and he could hear their nervous breathing.
He almost felt some sympathy for them... that was, until the hyenas came into view.
Shenzi was in the lead, flanked by Ed and Banzai on both sides. They laughed and licked their lips as they got closer and closer to the young cubs.
"Here kitty, kitty, kitty," Shenzi growled, and Scar could immediately tell that she was not only hungry, but angry, too.
Suddenly he heard what he thought was a yowl from below the ledge.
Was that supposed to be a roar?
His silent question was answered when he saw the hyenas smirk and laugh at the cubs he knew were up against the ledge.
"Oo-hoo... was that it?! Hah! Do it again... come on."
Shenzi goaded Simba on, but Scar wasn't paying attention anymore. A flicker of movement had caught his eye and now he watched helplessly as Mufasa roared and lunged at the hyenas.
They were too shocked to fight back and he swiped them aside with ease. He wrestled them all to the ground until the three of them were pinned under his body.
"Oh, please, please! Uncle! Uncle!" Shenzi yelped.
"Ow. Ow. Ow."
Banzai complained under Mufasa's unyielding body, but he wouldn't take any of it.
"Silence!" he roared.
The hyenas squirmed under his grasp.
"Oh, we're gonna shut up right now," Banzai said.
Shenzi spoke up, anxiety clear on her face.
"Calm down. We're really sorry."
"If you ever come near my son again..." Mufasa rumbled.
Banzai and Shanzi quickly pretended to act surprised.
"Oh this is.. this is your son?!?" Shenzi cried, both in mock surprise and fear.
"Oh, your son?" Banzai echoed.
Shenzi turned to look at Banzai.
"Did you know that?" she asked hysterically.
"No... me?! I-I-I didn't know it. No! Did you?"
"No! Of course not!" she said.
They both turned their heads to look at Ed.
He nodded his head enthusiastically and they both gulped.
Mufasa roared in absolute rage. The hyenas decided it was best not to stick around any longer.
"Toodles!" said Banzai.
The hyenas wiggled out from under him. Then they bolted out into the graveyard and away from Mufasa.
Scar shook his head.
Idiots. I knew they couldn't get it done.
He was about to walk away when he heard Simba speak up.
"Dad, I..."
Mufasa turned, anger clear on his face.
"You deliberately disobeyed me."
"Dad, I'm... I'm sorry."
His tiny voice wavered, but Mufasa's glare didn't.
"Let's go home."
He turned and for the first time Scar saw Zazu fluttering near the king.
Of course. He must've alerted Mufasa as soon as the cubs entered the graveyard.
Mufasa and the cubs walked out of his sight, the cubs' heads bent down in shame. Before they were gone he heard the female cub whisper to Simba, but he couldn't hear exactly what she said.
It probably wasn't important.
He got up out of his crouch and glared down at the rocks below the ledge.
How am I going to take the throne now!?
He shook his head and turned away.
I will take the throne... somehow. I have to, for my family's sake. I can't let Zira down now.
He slowly walked away from the ledge, ridding his thoughts of the recent failure and the complications that were sure to come.

Scar x Zira: The Lost Heirحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن