Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Lindia stalked forward with Kito and Moyo on both sides. Her fur was on edge, but her expression was steadfast as she neared the clan. An adult ran up to greet them. Kito could tell the hyena was maybe a year or two older than them because he still had a lively, wry look in his eyes.
"Lindia, your mother's fuming at what Hiari said," he whispered frantically.
"You know what, just say she's pissed. She's pissed as all hell. What about Shenzi?"
The hyena's expression shifted and a small grin appeared on his face.
Suddenly Shenzi appeared out of the crowd, a wily smirk on her face.
"Lindia! I'm so glad you're back! You and I should have a little chat, shouldn't we?"
Lindia nodded once.
"As long as my brother and Kito get to be a part of it," she said.
Shenzi let out a small, relaxed laugh.
"Girl, you're acting like you're in trouble or somethin'!" she laughed.
Lindia's ears perked up at that, and she cocked her head to the side.
"Aren't I in trouble?"
"Well, maybe with your mother, but certainly not with me. I can't waste my time on that runt, Hiari. It gives me a headache just thinkin' about her," Shenzi muttered, rubbing her head with her paw.
Lindia was practically bursting with excitement. Kito smiled knowingly over at Moyo.
"Here, let's all take a walk. Your little entourage can come with you. We have nothing to hide," Shenzi said, aiming a wink at Kito and Moyo.
Lindia nodded enthusiastically and Shenzi walked past them back out towards the open savanna.
The others followed behind her, but Lindia managed to worm her way up next to Shenzi. The older female grinned at her eagerness.
"What you did with Hiari, I would expect of any future clan leader. You have to stake your claim; I understand that. I've been through that. Your mother just doesn't understand. She's worried that you look less desirable in my eyes, but you ended up showing me today that you have the guts to do what you've gotta do. We need that sort of spunk. Otherwise you'll be overthrown faster than you can blink," Shenzi explained, her voice gruff and firm.
"If I may speak, I'm glad that you think I'd make a good clan leader. I was so worried you'd think I was some sort of raging, rabid mutt," Lindia said.
Shenzi howled with laughter and shook her head.
"If you hadn't done what you did, I woulda thought you were some weak cub looking for someone to pat her on the back and give her a bone. That's what kills me about Hiari. She's just a weak cub looking for a reward she doesn't deserve. It's pathetic."
"But you, on the other hand, were willing to risk any opportunities you might've had as clan leader to protect your dignity. Now that's respectable. That's what a true leader does; they put their butt on the line. I respect that about you, Lindia," Shenzi praised.
The young hyena's tail wagged ferociously and she looked at the leader with awe. Kito had never seen a look like that on her face. It made him proud of her just listening to Shenzi's praise.
"So don't you worry about your place in the clan. As far as I'm concerned, you're a shoo in for clan leader," Shenzi continued, "Well, you better run back home and tell your mother your side of the story. I'll be right behind you as back up, if necessary."
Lindia's jaw dropped.
"Thank you so much! Thank you! I don't know how I can repay you!"
Shenzi offered a sidelong smile.
"Be a great leader when the time comes. That's all I'm asking for."
Lindia smiled and ran back towards the clan, her friend and brother in tow. She was ready for anything with Shenzi on her side. Absolutely anything.

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