Chapter Twenty-One

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Zira laid outside the den, flicking her tail back and forth while Kito playfully pounced and grabbed it with his mouth and paws.
Asilia and the rest of the pride were lounging nearby when suddenly they all lifted their heads and a low murmur started up among them.

Shani was running towards them from the direction of the Pridelands, and there was a huge grin on her face.
"You were right, Zira! You were right!" she cried enthusiastically.
Zira got to her paws, puzzled beyond belief. Kito padded up beside her as she walked over to meet Shani.

Shani threw her paws over Zira in a tight hug as she got closer. Zira growled and squirmed at the sudden contact.
"Shani! What's wrong with you?!"
Shani continued to hug her.
"I'm so sorry, Zira! I shouldn't have doubted Scar! I shouldn't have doubted his loyalty to this pride!"
Zira pushed Shani off and stared at her.
"What are you talking about, Shani?! Explain!"
The happy lioness grinned until Zira thought her jaw would fall off.
"Scar's going to be King! He's going to be King, and I'm positive he's going to choose you as Queen! I didn't actually think he was going to go through with it!"
At this point the rest of the pride had made their way over to the two lionesses. Zira was still staring at Shani, wondering if the lioness had truly lost it.
"What do you mean he's going to be King?! What did he do?!"
Shani's eyes widened and she gaped at Zira.
"Really, Zira?! Think! You know what he was planning on doing! You said so yourself."
The other lionesses looked at Zira expectantly, and she tried desperately to rack her brain for ideas. Then it hit, like a hoof smacking her across the head.
"He killed them, didn't he?" she muttered under her breath.
Shani nodded slowly and Asilia gasped. The other lionesses looked on in confusion.
A toothy grin appeared on Zira's face and she looked down at Kito.
"My little prince!" she cried.
She looked towards the Pridelands and her grin widened.
"Oh, Scar! I knew you would come through for us! I just knew you would!"
She turned to Shani again.
"Where is he now?"
"He was down in the gorge when I saw him last. He's probably heading to Pride Rock now."
Zira's tail twitched with excitement and she turned to the rest of the pride.
"Well, what are we waiting for?! We must go to congratulate the new King! A new life awaits! A better life... a life of luxury and ease! Let's go... we have no time to waste! Say goodbye to this wasteland, girls. It's the last time we'll ever see it. Good riddance!"
Then she picked Kito up in her mouth and she started to pad quickly towards the Pridelands. Shani followed after her with the rest of the pride following anxiously behind.
We're on our way, Scar! Don't wait on us, my dearest love. Your true family will be there to celebrate soon.
She continued on with bright eyes and a rejuvenated vigor as she walked towards her new life with Scar.

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