Chapter Forty-Two

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Months passed, and Kito neared his third year. It was a couple months off yet, but it was obvious that he was becoming more and more mature by the day. He slowly became a master fighter and hunter under his parents' teaching. His mane continued to grow until it covered the top of his neck and parts of his chest. He became more and more interested in the young lionesses of the pride, and many times he snuck out in the middle of the night to visit them.
The one young lioness that he never took advantage of was Nala. He wanted to, many times, but he always wanted her respect. He wanted her to be by his side. Nobody else could take her place beside him.

Kito, Scar, and Zira were sleeping in their cave as the scorching sun began its leisurely climb on the horizon. Kito rolled and stretched his legs, opening his jaws wide in a yawn as he did so. He blinked a few times to get rid of the drowsiness in his eyes. When they focused he glanced over at his parents. They were just starting to wake up. His mother let out a roar of a yawn and his father stretched out lazily on the cave floor. They grinned at one another and Zira nuzzled her head into his chest.
I wish I had a mate like that.
Then his mother looked over at him and her grin widened. She'd been very affectionate lately, he'd noticed. It was almost unnerving.
She gave Scar a calculated look and he stood up, shaking out his fur in the process. He watched Kito as he walked leisurely towards him.
Kito sat up as Scar sat down in front of him. He felt his mother's eyes on him as he looked his father in the eye.
"I have wonderful news for you, my son," Scar stated proudly, his arched spine straight and his tail twitching happily.
"What?" Kito asked. He didn't quite snap, but he wasn't really in the mood for guessing games.
"We're going to have another cub. You're going to be a big brother," Scar said, stealing a glance over at his mate.
She grinned up at both of them, her sharp teeth glinting in the dim cave light.
Kito stared at his father for a long time. He was excited, sure, but he didn't want this cub to suffer. He wanted to set a good example and give the cub what he didn't get; undivided attention and care. Sure he'd had Shani and Asilia, but they weren't his blood family. He would be his sibling's family. He would help them through life.
"When will I have a new brother or sister?" he asked.
"In about a month or so, I believe," his mother said, putting a paw on her belly. He was only now starting to notice the swelling there.
"Scar, I feel a bit of hunger coming on. Can you go tell Sarabi to gather her hunting party?"
Scar nodded once and stood up.
"I'll have the hyenas tell her. I'm too tired to deal with her right now. You know how stubborn she is."
Zira rolled her eyes.
"Yes, I know."
Scar stepped out of the cave and roared to summon the trio. Kito stood up and walked over to sit by his side. He liked the hyenas, so he didn't mind staying by his father's side to greet them.
Soon the three hyenas were bounding up the steps with Shenzi leading the group.
"What's up, Scar?" she asked, stealing a small glance at Kito as she did so.
"I need you to go find Sarabi and tell her to gather her hunting party. We've run out of food."
She sighed.
"Can't you find somebody else to do it, Scar? Maybe Zazu will go do it for you," she said.
"I don't trust that bird as far as I can throw him. He's not loyal to me, and he's beyond annoying," Scar drawled, rolling his eyes in disgust.
"You don't seem to realize that I have my own clan to look after. Brawls are starting to break out again over food and we've been sending our hunting parties further and further out after the herds. I can't just go delivering messages for you all the time, Scar," Shenzi explained.
Kito glanced at his father out of the corner of his eye. He could see the irritation in the way he scowled and straightened his back.
"Then who would you suggest to send my messages, besides that dimwitted bird?" Scar muttered.
"I don't know... someone reliable that's not too busy, I guess. What about Kito?" Shenzi offered.
Scar looked over at him and shook his head.
"No, I won't have my son stooping down so low as to being my messenger."
Shenzi scowled at that, but she didn't say a word.
"Well, I do have twins in my clan that are young, strong, and intelligent. Most importantly, they're reliable. I suppose you could borrow them as messengers for the time being. Their names are Lindia and Moyo."
Scar lifted an eyebrow as Kito smirked to himself. If they were his father's messengers, then he would have to talk to them at some point. Then he'd realize what great creatures they were.
"Then go back and send them to me immediately," Scar growled, "My mate is hungry, and I don't want to keep her waiting any longer."
"They could probably hunt for you, too," Kito suggested.
Scar shook his head.
"No, I'd rather have Sarabi go out and hunt. She's of no use just laying around all the time."
Kito looked at his paws.
I like Aunt Sarabi. She's nice, comforting, and wise. Why can't he leave her alone?
"Banzai, go find Lindia and Moyo for me. Bring them back here on the double," Shenzi barked.
"Why can't you send Ed?" he grumbled.
"Move it!" she snapped.
Banzai yelped and went running down towards the heart of the clan. Ed watched him as he left, giggling hysterically with his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

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