Chapter Thirteen

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A few weeks had passed and Kito was growing up to be a healthy young cub. His eyes had opened in his first week and they were a bright, acidic green like his fathers'. The tiny rosettes all along his back were beginning to fade, which only strengthened the color of his coat. He was also up and walking with the confidence in his motor skills building day by day.

It was a hot afternoon when Kito saw his father pacing in the den. His mother was off dozing in the shade of one of the ledges, unaware that he had wandered off in the first place.
He wobbled over to his father and Scar immediately stopped to look down at his son.
"What do you want, Kito?"
He stared up at Scar with wide, innocent eyes.
"What's wrong, Father?"
His words were still a little shaky but Scar could easily understand the little cub.
"Nothing that you need to worry about, my son. I'm only thinking about things that will happen in the future."
Kito blinked up at him, obviously confused. Scar gently put a paw on his back and pulled him closer.
"If I leave, don't be worried. I'll be back for you and your mother and we'll get out of this dreadful place. I will never abandon you, Kito. Remember that."
He hugged Kito close to his chest and then he walked off towards the entrance.
Kito looked after him with a confused and frightened expression. He mewed to get him back but he was already gone.
He stood there for a while before walking back over to his mother, who was in the middle of a restless slumber.
He curled up by her side and she opened one eye to look down at him. She smiled wearily before slipping back into a fitful sleep.
Kito lay awake for a few moments before succumbing to a sleep full of dreams. All of them had his father in them and in all of them he kept repeating one word... remember. Kito didn't understand any of them when he woke up.
He also didn't understand the look on his mother's face later on that day when she walked around and called out for Scar. He couldn't understand why she kept looking at him, many times without a smile.
All he could understand was that his father was gone and he would be back. He just knew that he would be back.

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