Chapter 3... Banishment

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"Y/n, take Chuck and go back to to the hammocks." Alby demands.

"But-" I go to speak, but he cuts me off.

"Now!" He yells.

"Alright, alright." I grumble, sighing. Chuck looks at the scene, and shuffles off to the hammocks. I follow behind him, sighing.

"Y'know, I don't get it. Why they're making him go out there." I mutter.

"Didn't he try to kill you?" Chuck asks.

I look at him, shrugging as I lay down in my hammock.

"I mean... yeah, I guess he did. It still doesn't make sense though. If he's such a great runner couldn't they find another use for him... even in his state?"

Chuck is silent. I look over, only to see that he's fallen asleep in his hammock. I sigh, staring up.

We're walled into the outskirts of the forest. A nice way to separate everything from where we sleep.

Newt and Thomas tied my hammock into the far corner of the room, their hammocks surrounding mine. They said they didn't trust the other boys. Understandably so. The looks I'd catch, the shy glances... the bold glances. The whispering behind my back, and even jealous glances.


Hours passed since Bens banishment. His screamed echoed through the Glade and what surrounds it, as the sun ducks behind the wall.

There was a settled sadness amongst the Gladers, as if someone had set the world upon their shoulders.

No one talked, really. We just processed. As hours progress, everybody begins to lie down, in an attempt to sleep.

I toss and turn, Ben's final blood curdling screams startling me.

I can't sleep. I think to myself. I quietly get out of my hammock, tying sneakers onto my feet and shuffling out of the room, careful not to wake anyone.

I sit down at what was left of the small campfire. It barely had a flame left. But it was warm, it felt nice.

I laid back on the log, staring up at the sky. The stars were visible. I counted them... or tried to. 50... 60.. 69... 70... 100.. 200... 419... 420..

I jumped as I heard a branch snap. I frantically turned in the direction it had come from, seeing someone.

"Calm down, it's just me," The familiar dirty blonde haired boy huffed.

"And me." Another boy popped up behind him. Newt jumped, glancing back. Thomas chuckled, and the two walked over, sitting on each side of me.

"Can't sleep either?" I ask. They both shake their heads.

"You know Alby is gonna kill us if he finds us out here, right?" Newt asks.

"Oh well." Thomas shrugs.

"Please, he couldn't kill me if he tried. Plus, I wouldn't be going down with out a fight." I smirk at the two. They laugh, causing me to giggle.

"Hey, y'know what. Come on, I don't think either of you have seen this yet." Newt says. He stands up, walking towards the forest.

Hesitantly, I stand. Thomas follows, glancing back at me.

"Come on, you'll be alright."

I gulp, and nod. He takes my hand reassuringly. A light blush appears on his face. I roll my eyes. 'Boys' I think to myself.

"Where exactly are we going anyways?" I ask, kicking a small rock as we walk further into the forest.

"You'll see in a second." Newt hums. A few more minutes of walking and we appear at an old, wooden ladder nailed into a tree. I look up it, and Newt begins climbing up. Thomas follows him. And so do I.

"Holy... shit." I mutter as we get into what appears to be a treehouse. There was a door that led to a deck... it wraps around the treehouse. There were a few windows, with blinds covering them. A brown, worn out couch in the corner.

I stare at it, glancing around again. Is this the place from that dream I had? No.. it can't be. We were in some sort of facility.. right? Wait... who was the person with me?

"Y/n- you there? Hellooo?" Thomas snapped his fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to reality.

"Where'd you go?" Newt asks, closing the hatch to the ladder.

"Oh uhm.. I was just thinking about running.. that's all."

Newt rolls and eyes, and Thomas chuckles.

"How long has this place been here?" I ask curiously, sitting down on the arm of the couch.

"Since before Alby got here. Whoever.. or whatever put us here, made it. Not sure why. Nobody found it until I came along. They hadn't explored the forest much." Newt hums in response.

I nod. Thomas walks over to the door. I stand and follow. We walk out into the deck.

"Holy shit, you can see the whole glade from here!" I whisper shout.

"But how come we can't see ut from the Glade?" Thomas asks.

Newt laughs, "The trees are in our way."

"Yeah," I smirk, "Dumbass."

Thomas gently smacks my shoulder. I hold my arm in fake pain, falling to my knees dramatically. "Ouch, oh my gaWD nEwt did you sEE THAT??" I yell jokingly, "He hArmed me, send him to a-"

I'm cut off as Newt slaps a hand over my mouth. I look up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up before you wake someone." He hums.
He removes his hand, and I sigh, standing up.

We walk back into the treehouse, and for the next several hours we sit, laugh and joke.

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