Chapter 20... Run

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//Guys I just watched Death Cure for the first time and uhm... I... that is a different kind of pain... I knew that like- I knew who died but- I-//
//That.. ouch. Okay. Well. I'll give you the heads up now but, I promise you I will not be killing them off in this. It's a fanfic and considering I just suffered through that for the first time, I won't make you suffer through it. Love y'all. I'm gonna cry while I write the next few chapters, haha.//

//Alright sorry, Anyways.//


"Mmm... Teresa.." I gasp quietly, as she shoves me against a tree, rather roughly.

She chuckles quietly, "What?" She hums against my skin, trailing kisses up my neck.

"I'm starting to think this is all we do.." I mutter. She pauses, "No.. I just enjoy making you squirm."

She smirks, placing another kiss to my neck.

I feel her snake her hands down my waist, feeling all that she can while I'm clothed.

"Then maybe you shouldn't abruptly stop every time.." I mumble.

She squeezes my ass, and a quiet moan slips from my mouth.

She giggles, pulling away from me, "Mmm... Nah."

I huff, crossing my arms over my chest, and gently shoving her away. She rolls her eyes.

"Hey Teresa- uhm, Y/n." Thomas greets, popping up from down the path.

I cough, quickly covering my neck with my sleeve and arm.

"Oh uhh.. hey Thomas. What's up?" I ask, leaning back against the tree.

"Not much, uhm. Mind if I steal Teresa from you?" He asks, blandly.

Newt shows up behind him, "Oh hey, just the three I was looking for." Newt says.

"You guys want to go get something to eat? The four of us barely hang out anymore." Newt asks.

"Yeah... sure." I say, nodding.

"Uhm... we'll catch up?" Teresa looks at me, nodding. I flash her a smile, and walk off with Newt.

"What's up with you two?" Newt asks, looking at me. I shrug, playing his comment off.

"What do you mean.. nothings up with us."

Newt stops walking, grabbing my arm and stopping me too, "Whats going on with you?"

I raise an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"It's like you're distant again. Are you- did you get stung again?" He asks. I shake my head, "Have you seen any greivers around? Have you seen me in the maze? No. I haven't."

He sighs, before noticing I'm still covering my neck. "Why are you.. covering your neck?" He asks.

Panic. "I uh... I'm just cold.. thats- hey, what the hell!" I yell, as he grabs my arm, yanking it down.

"Holy... shit." He mutters, staring at my neck. New and old hickeys dance their way across it.

I quickly yank my arm back, covering it again. My face bright red. He stares.

"You aren't.. like.. mad, right..?" I ask quietly, worried he wouldn't accept it. I gulp.

He pulls me into a hug, "No.. no I'm not. I'm proud." He mumbles, resting his chin on top of my head for a second.

I pull back, "Heh... yeah she uh.. she.. enjoys that." I say.

He laughs a little, "Mhm, I can see. Speaking of Teresa, what the hell is taking those two so long?"

I glance back at the woods, "I dunno... I'll go check."

Newt looks at me, "Want me to come?"

I shake my head, "Nah. I've got it, go grab me a plate of food, would ya?"

He chuckles, "Mhm, I will. See ya in a few, Y/n."

I walk back towards the woods. I glance around, smelling the wooded air of the familiar path.

"Where the hell are they..." I mutter, spinning around. I hear commotion towards the treehouse.

"Oh. Huh, okay then..." I mumble.

I walk towards the ladder, grabbing ahold of it. I pull myself up, into the treehouse.

"Hey guys, what's taking so-" I pause, staring at the sight before me.

Thomas kissing Teresa. Thomas kissing Teresa. And Teresa wasn't even trying to get away from him. She just stood there.

"Get- the hell off me-" She shoves him back, turning to me.

"Y/n, I- I can explain-" She starts to say, staring at me. Thomas turns, looking at me.

She goes to walk over to me, taking a hold of my hands. I yank them back, tears pricking at my eyes, "Don't touch me." I spit.

I back away from her, putting my hands up, "Don't even come near me." A tear rolls down my face.

"Y/n..." She mumbles, her voice shakes.

"I- I swear- this- I-" She shakes her head, "I promise you I... he- he kissed me-"

My lip quivers, and I shake my head, "What the hell makes you think I'm just going to- to believe you?!" I yell, "This- whatever the hell we had, whatever it was that we were, it's over."

I slide down the ladder, storming off. The tears start to slip, and before I know it, I'm running.

I don't know where to, but I am. My face covered in tears

"Woah, woah hey, Y/n-" I hear a voice yell. I trip over something— I'm not sure what it was. It's too dark to tell.

I land in my hands, wincing.

"Woah, are you okay?" Gally asks, rushing towards me. He helps me sit up. I glance down at my leg. The cloth of my pants ripped open, and several cuts can be seen through the cloth.

"Are you.. crying?" He asks, glancing at my face.

"I.. she.. Thomas..." I mutter.

"Go on.." He mumbles.

"It's over... she and I we're.. over.."

He pulls me into a hug. I cry out into his embrace.

We sit here for.. who knows how long, until I eventually fall asleep, in my brothers arms. Heartbroken. Hurt. ill.


Third Person POV

Unbeknownst to Y/n, Thomas kissed Teresa. She just walked in on the wrong moment.

Unbeknownst to Y/n, she wasn't truly cured.

Unbeknownst to Y/n, W.C.K.D.  has more plans for her than just... a glader, a lab rat.

And all of these effects come into play, now.

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