Chapter 17... Next Morning

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"Good morning, sleepy head," I laugh a little, glancing over at Teresa, who shifts uncomfortably in her hammock.

"Fucking hell..." She groans, sitting up some and holding her head, "My head is killing me..."

"Yes, that, you see, is because you decided to have just a little bit too much of Gally's drinks." I chuckle lightly. She shoots a glare at me, standing from the hammock.

"I don't remember anything from last night.. I mean, I remember.. I remember you going off with Gally, and watching you two dance like dorks... but, that's it.. what happened?" She asks, stumbling over to the couch and plopping down beside me. I scoot over so she has room.

"Not much. Gally left to go sleep, after busting his ass.. Thomas and Newt played tag... you tried to join them but by then you were wasted. Thomas was exhausted, so Newt escorted him back to the homestead... and I had to drag your drunk ass back here." I grin, looking at her.

She sighs, "Remind me not to drink that much next time..."

"You're saying that, assuming there's a next time," I hum, "I hope there isn't."

She glances at me, going to retort, but pausing.

"What? Is there a spider or something on me?" I ask, quickly brushing myself off.

"No.. uhm, there's just markings on your neck.. like, light bruising... did you-" She pauses again, "Oh shit, did you and one of the Glader boys get into it?"

A smirk forms on her face, "Which one was it? Was it Gally? Or Newt?" She asks.

"What the hell- ew, no— Gally is practically like a brother to me- hell, so is Newt! No- I didn't get into it with any of them— I thought-" I sigh, "Whatever- it's nothing."

I shift my shirt, trying to cover it up some.

"Okay, well clearly something happened, so tell me.. I mean did one of you make out? Did you just so happen to trip and hit your neck on something?" She asks.

I look away, silently, "No.. you happened.." I mumble.

"I-... what?" She asks. I feel her gaze on me, burning a hole into my skin.

"You uh... after I suggested Thomas go back to the homestead to get some sleep.. you were a bit upset.." I mumble.

"Go on..." She says.

I sigh, "Once we made it back to the treehouse, you pinned me to the tree, and started to kiss my neck, saying that because Thomas wasn't there, 'I'd do'." I use my fingers to imitate quotation marks in the air.

She's dead silent. I glance at her, and her face is a peachy pink, bringing a small smile to my face. I quickly look away.

"Y/n, I- I'm so sorry.. please don't be mad at me-" She says, but I cut her off.

"I'm not mad, I mean, you were upset," I laugh, a smirk playing at my face, "Which was pretty cute, but I managed to get you asleep."

"Wait, we didn't-" She looks at me, asking the question, but not, if that makes sense.

"What? No- no, we didn't," she sighs, relieved at my words, and I continue, "You were drunk. That's not how I roll with things. It'd be different if you were sober, but the alcohol was messing with your head." I shrug my shoulders.

"You wouldn't have done that sober, you seem to like Thomas anyways." I flash a smile, standing from the couch.

There's an awkward silence that settles over the room after I say that. I shuffle over to my trunk, opening it and digging around at the contents within it.

"Actually.." She mumbles. I can hear her stand, walking towards me.

"Hmm?" I hum, pulling out a hooded white shirt. I pull off the one I'm wearing, chuck it in the trunk and closing it, and then pulling the white shirt over my head.

I stand back up, turning around, coming only a few feet in front of Teresa.

"I think I would've." She says, stepping a little closer.

"You would've what?" I ask, having already forgotten the previous conversation.

//Don't mind me, writing my adhd habits into this. I'm supposed to be getting properly tested tomorrow so I'll know for sure(we're 99% sure I am) ahhhh//

"Done this-" She cuts herself off by leaning forward, cupping my face. I feel her soft lips against mine.

For a moment, I'm shocked. But I recover quickly, kissing back, a smile making its way onto my face, butterflies exploding in my stomach.

I can feel her smile too, as she gently pushes me back against the wall, careful not to hurt me in the process.

She parts for breath for a second, before diving back in. She trails her kisses across my jawline, and down my neck.

I lightly gasp, causing her to chuckle against my skin. She trails the kisses back up to my lips, and parts for a final time.

"I'd gladly have done it sober," She whispers, "And I'll do it again anytime..."

I smile, my cheeks ablaze, and I burry my face in the crook of her neck for a moment. She laughs, wrapping her arms around me.

"This is not where I expected our morning to go..." I mumble into her neck.

"Hey.. y'know, I think my hangover is gone.."

I lift my head, and she busts out laughing, causing me to join in.


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