Chapter 38... Explosions

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"HEY! YOU FOUR!" Voices shout.

I lay on all fours in pain, my head barely lifting up.

"Get on your knees... take it easy..." a soldier shouts as he and three others edge towards us. All guns aimed at us.

Thomas reaches for his pistol, "ah-ah-ah, on your knees, now!"

Thomas stops.

As the soldiers begin to get closer, one of them turns and shoots the others, they drop dead.

The soldier comes towards us, ripping his helmet off. It's Gally.

"Gally?" Minho asks, shocked.

"Minho. You guys are nuts." He shakes his head.

I groan quietly, "yep..."

"Y/n! Oh my god.." he quickly rushes over to me.

He pulls me up, helping me to the fountain and making me lean back against it.

"It's... it's not that bad... just get it out of me.." I whisper.

He sighs, nodding. He counts to three, and rips it out. I yell, and Newt covers my mouth.

Gally tries his best to patch it quickly, it'll do for now.

Behind us, the entrance to the walls erupted in a large bright explosion.

"We were supposed to take down Wicked not the whole entire damn city.." Gally mutters.


//Okay so I'm skipping some time. During this time would be like, newt getting more ill by the second, Thomas running off with him while Minho and Gally try to get the serum and back. Y/n stays with Thomas and newt, but newt stabs himself. Y/n and Thomas hear Teresa, and rush off, yeah. And Ava Paige scene. All that jazz.//


"Come on, Y/n, there's a medical room up here, come on..." Thomas heaves me up, helping me walk.

I cough, spitting blood from my mouth.

"Thomas, I'm dead weight... please, go! Go... get to Teresa..." I whisper.

He shakes his head, "No! I lost Newt, I can't lose you too... Don't give up!" He yells.

I cough again, but with a different spirit. I try to help him carry me.

Ava is dead. That... it's crazy. She's dead.

//I can't remember this part of the movie and I wanna watch it but I don't have the energy. But anyways. Bare with me. Actually on second thought I'm gonna rewrite it a little. It is a fanfic after all.//

I spot Teresa down the hall, "Ter.. teresa.. there..." I mutter.

Thomas looks up, "Teresa!" He yells.

She turns, staring before rushing over.

"Thomas- Y/n- oh my- oh my god.. come on, hurry!" She yells, rushing us into a room.

Thomas pushes me up onto a metal table after clearing it off. I groan, my vision blurring for a second.

"Don... don't waste your time.." I mumble, "get cure.. save him.. save newt.. he can still.. be saved..." I mumble, turning my head to look at Thomas.

"Y/n, he- he stabbed himself.." Thomas whispers.

I shake my head, "We both know it won't.. kill him, get the cure..." I whisper back.

I cough, blood spilling from the corners of my lips. I hood my stomach, glancing at my bloodstained hands. My shirt is drenched in blood.

Gally's on-the-go medical could use some work.

Teresa turns around, with a neck it. She begins to rip my shirt along with the bandages, but I grab her wrist. She stops, looking at me.

"No..." I mumble, shaking my head.

"Y/n you're going to di-" I cut her off, "I know.. I'm okay with that.. I... I deserve it.."

A year slips from her eye, a ragid breath with it.

"No, you don't.. you really don't.." She tries to continue to work on me but I stop her again.

"I do.. I do, I really do.." I whisper, "Teresa I.. I- I remembered something..."

I cough again, and lay there for a few minutes, just breathing in the silence of my friends. Forgetting what my previous statement was.

"Teresa I'm... I'm sorry.. for everything, for blaming you.. for- for not giving you a chance to explain... for hating you.. for.. for leaving you.." I say everything quickly. I can feel it, my time is near.

Suddenly, I feel something warm on my lips. I squeeze my eyes shut, kissing her back.

She pulls away, "it's okay.. I- it's okay... Y/n, Please let me save you.."

I smile a little, "I... I.. love you..."

My eyes slowly close, until everything is.. black.




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