Chapter 37... Janson

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The elevator dings.

Do you know how hard it is to contain anger? This man has caused me so much pain throughout the life that I can remember, and more.

It'd be so easy to just... shoot him. Snap his neck. Here and now. But I can't... I have to look at the bigger picture.

"Well... this is my stop. I'll be going.." Teresa mutters. Janson gives her a nod, as she steps out. The boys and I quickly follow, making an almost barrier around her.

"Y/n, Thomas... if you would just listen to me.. getting that serum isn't going to help Newt!" Teresa exclaims, as the four of us swiftly move towards a door.

"Don't listen to her, she's trying to get inside your head." Newt mutters.

"Open it." I demand. Teresa reaches her hand out, letting her thumb be scanned. The door opens, and we walk in.

"I'm trying to keep you safe, to help you!" She yells as the door shuts behind us.

I throw my helmet off, "Yeah? Like you helped Minho? Huh?" I shout back.

"What are you doing?!" The two boys grab me by my shoulders, but I shove my way out of their grip.

"How many more teenagers is it going to take? How many more people do they have to- to round up? Torture? Kill? Huh?!" I glare at her, "When the hell does it stop?"

She takes a step closer, getting too close for comfort, "It stops when we find a cure!"

"There is no goddamn cure." My voice is low and husky now, my chest rapidly rising and falling out of intermittent rage.

Down the pathway, a voice, "Don't waste your breath Teresa."

The sound of electricity whirring on, only means one thing: we're in trouble... big trouble.

I raise my gun as Janson continues, "She made her choice long ago. Don't you remember? She ran from you, dear."

"DROP IT KID!" A voice yells down another path. Three soldiers come running towards us.

With only a few seconds to think, I grab Teresa pulling her into me rather roughly, pointing the gun to her head. She gasps.

"Back up, tell them to back up!" I yell.

Janson cautiously takes a few steps forward, "Hey Y/n, come on, it's me... I've known you longer than you can remember, you're not going to shoot her..."

"You don't think so?" I spit.

"Okay... come on then... shoot her. Prove me wrong." Janson lowers his gun, "Shoot. Her.."

As Janson edged closer, suddenly something knocks into my foot. I groan, as Teresa elbows me in the side, shoving me into the boys, and all three of us falling back into the room behind us.

She slams her hand on a lever, and the door falls shut, locked.

Alarms blare partnered with white flashing lights.

"CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR!" Janson screams, as he begins firing rounds into the bulletproof glass door.

He slams his palms onto it in anger. We take that as our chance to bolt down the hallway.


//I just realized I didn't include the scene where the crew left Gally to open the door for the serum. So imagine that happened :D//


Ava. My heart races. Janson tried killing all three of us, but we'd gotten out of there rather quickly.

"MINHOO!!" Thomas yells, over and over. I joined in a couple times but not much, more lost in my thoughts than anything.

I raise my gun, aiming at another guy. And another.

"FUCK! I'm out!" I yell.

Newt tackles me out of the way as a shot goes past us. I mutter a thank you, and toss the empty gun into the hallway out of frustration.

"I'm almost out!" Thomas yells, firing off a few rounds down the hallway.

Newt grabs something off of a body nearby, chucking it down the hallway.

All of us duck, and watch the other soldiers get electrocuted.

"Nice.." Thomas mutters. We stand, racing down the hallway.

We come to a screeching halt as a soldier yells at us, his gun aimed right at Thomas.

And suddenly, somebody screams catching his attention. The soldier is slammed into a wall by a dark haired boy in a rough blue shirt. The boy yells again, throwing the soldier through a glass window.

He turns to look at us. Within seconds, the boys and I rush to pull him into a hug.

"Is this real?" He mutters.

We're all smiling, before it's back to chaos as soldiers storm us. We race away, down several hallways avoiding getting shot.

Thomas pulls us into a room, just narrowly avoiding an awkward encounter with Janson.

"IN HERE IN HERE! Block the door!" He yells.

The boys begin moving pieces of furniture in front of the door, keeping it shut. But it wouldn't last long.

"Guys... we don't have very long..." I whisper, as the sound of metal on metal whirrs from the door. A cutting machine, how nice.

"Any ideas?" Minho blurts out.

"Maybe..." Thomas yells, his eyes dancing to the window.

Thomas and Minho grab ahold of what I think is a Co2 canister, a large one. They heave it up, and thrust it towards the window.

It shatters in hundreds of pieces, and flies to the ground level, splashing into a pond below.

"Okay.. we'll it's do-able..." Thomas mumbles, staring down, "Just with a... running start..."

"Well I'm bloody inspired..." newt mutters.

Behind us, the door slams open.

"No time to talk, by boys!!" I yell, running and leaping off the very edge of the window.

Wow, what a rush of adrenaline. But not for long, as I come tumbling into the water. After me, is the three boys.

We all look at eachother, beginning to laugh a little at our shenanigans.

I climb out along with the others, until I feel an unbearable pain in my chest.

Looking down, I see something sharp and bloodstained impaling my chest.

"Guys.." I mutter quietly.

They all look over, as I collapse to the ground.


Mistakes Were Made || Teresa Agnes x Fem!ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat