Chapter 6... Bad Vibes

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"Y/n, come on. Nobody else is getting the same feeling you are. You're overreacting!" Thomas shouts as we walk into the forest.

"Really? You don't think it's strange that she's the final one. In a box that came with zero supplies. That she only remembered my name?" I ask. He glances over at Newt, shrugging.

We make it to the ladder, and I climb up first. I push open the hatch and enter the treehouse. I walk over to the couch, sitting down. The boys follow suite.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence!" Newt says, optimistically. I roll my eyes.

"Ben gets stung. He tells me that it's all my fault. He gets banished. Then this girl comes up out of the box muttering my name. You, Thomas, manage to kill a griever. And you're seriously telling me none of this is a coincidence?" I ask.

The boys sit silently, eyeing my suspiciously.

"It is not a coincidence. And I'm gonna prove it." I mumble, standing up. I pace back and forth, trying to figure it out in my head.

They watch me, "How do you plan on doing that?" Thomas asks.

I look at him, "I'll figure it out.."


"Hey Y/n!" A soft voice greets behind me. I glance back, seeing Teresa. I turn back to my work, pushing the shovel deeper into the dirt.

"Hey." I respond, chucking the dirt into the pile beside me.

"How are you today?" She asks. I sigh, kicking the shovel into the dirt again.

"...Why?" I ask quietly, moving the dirt into the pile.

She's silent for a moment, and I continue my work. Alby wanted another hut built here, so I have to move dirt for the larger pieces of wood to go in.

"Well..." She hesitates for a moment, "You.. you've just seemed off." I can feel her gaze burning into the back of my neck.

"What do you mean by that?" I keep my cool.

"I mean, ever since you woke up screaming.. I don't know. You just haven't seemed the same."

I kick the shovel into place in the dirt, resting my arm on it as I turn around to look at her, almost glaring.

"You've known me for a full five minutes and you think I'm, 'off'? Are you serious?" I ask.

She clenches her jaw. I let out a heavy breath, I almost feel bad.

"You know what, you're right.. uhm, maybe I just don't know you well enough. You know what.. I'm gonna uhm, I'm gonna go talk to someone else now.. see ya.." she mutters. I watch her as she turns and walks away.

I sigh, and Newt walks over.

"What the hell was that?" He asks, almost angry at me.

"What?" I ask him. He just shakes his head.

"You sure you're alright? That was rather aggressive." He mutters, crossing his arms.

I roll my eyes, taking the shovel in my grips again.

"I told you, I don't like her. Not one bit." I continue working.

"Whatever you say.." He mumbles.


"What's wrong?" I ask, as Newt and I walk up to the crowd gathering at the wall's opening.

"Minho isn't back yet." Thomas responds, pulling Newt and I to the front. Everybody stares down the long corridor, anticipating the worst.

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