Chapter 18... Brother?

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//Chapters might slow a bit. I've got work tomorrow and Sunday, so apologies if so. Also this is gonna be a shorter chapter, sorry!//

"What's with the hood today?" Newt asks, tossing an empty basket to me.

"Oh, I dunno. Just comfy." I shrug, lying.

Truth be told, I'm using it to hide the light hickeys Teresa left, both sober and... not so sober.

"Really? It's hot as shuck out here, Y/n." The boy replies.

I pause, "... It's a.. thin shirt."

"Mhm. Whatever you say." He laughs a little, and I smile.

"How's Teresa?" Newt asks, getting back to work.

I glance over at the woods, "She's hungover. Definitely.. hungover.." I hum.

"Yeah. She was very drunk last night. It looked like she wanted to walk right up to Thomas and-" Newt's cut off by Teresa.

"And what?" She asks, setting down a bucket of water, and looking at Newt.

"Oh nothing." He hums, stepping away from us and into the garden.

I look over at Teresa, a smile making its way onto my face. She smiles back— almost smirking. She gives me a wink, and gets to work.

Butterflies flutter in my stomach. God, she's amazing.


"Hey Y/n, can you go grab another bucket of water?" Newt hollers from across the garden.

"Yeah, I'm on it!" I yell back.

I grab ahold of the previously full bucket, and strut off into the woods.

I kick a pebble as I walk along the rugged path, humming a quiet song that was coming back to me, slowly.

"Ah, here we are," I hum, reaching the river.

I take the bucket, leaning down and filling it. I set the now heavy bucket on the bank, sighing.

"And here comes the hard part.." I go to lift rhe bucket, but my foot gets caught on something passing in the water.

It pulls me in. It was heavy, and although the River barely has a flow, I manage to get myself wrapped in what I think a vine, beneath the water.

I try to swim up, but it doesn't work.

'Shit, nonono..' I think to myself, pulling at the rather thick vines.

I grasp for the top of the water, my fingers just barely getting out before I sink back beneath the water.

I manage to get one arm free from the fine, diving for the top again.

My arm manages to get out, and I feel something warm latch onto it.

It pulls me up, and I kick my legs, managing to break free from the vines that held them hostage.

A figure pulls me out of the water, and onto the bank.

"Y/n, are you okay?" He asks.

I cough, nearly wheezing. I glance up, to find myself faced with Gally.

"I'm.. yeah.. I fell in and got tangled up in some vines.." I mutter quietly.

He nods, crouching down to my level, "Okay, good.." He gently wraps his arms around me in a hug.

"I can't lose you.." He mumbles. I freeze.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" A young boy asks, looking over me.

I nod my head, despite the bloody gash it has, and my work out clothes. A cheeky grin pulls at my face.

"Perfectly fine." I respond.

"You need to be careful, Y/n! I can't bare losing you!" He yells, before pulling me into a tight hug.

"You're my-" I mumble.

"I'm your.. older brother.." He mutters, pulling back from the hug.

We both grin at eachother, quickly hugging again.

"Glad to know that." I smile at him, and he nods.

"Here, i'll take this back for you. Go get changed, alright? I don't want you getting sick." He stands up, offering me a hand.

I take it, and he helps me up. I nod.

"Thanks, Gally." I wave as I head back to the treehouse.

"Anytime, sis!" He waves back, and we go our separate ways.

Mistakes Were Made || Teresa Agnes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now